Twist of Fae
some reason he
lashed out at Valen. Ordering him and his kin to cease dealing with the Fae and
to return to give account of his doings. When he refused, they labeled him
outcast and ordered his arrest as well as that of his followers. Of course,
since they had abandoned the others, none acknowledged their claim, and Valen
and his kin had refuge in many of the Fae lands. But lately, Dwarves have been
seen outside of their kingdom. They search for Valen and the others, which
means Bernd as well. That's why I asked him to meet. So I could warn him."
    The Fall was the end of the Fae as we know them in
legends and myths. The High Fae, or the Gods as they came to be called, fought
amongst themselves until none were left. Kind of a Greek and Roman Fae version
of Ragnarök , although the Norse Gods seem to have suffered the same fate.
The Fae worlds have never been the same."
    "Doesn’t make sense." I said. "Why would they
    "Who knows with Dwarves," Alf said. "Fearful
of the power the High Fae may once again yield or perhaps, as Bernd believes, Grerin
has gone mad, locked in his city all these years, with too much time to think."
    "And why would they be afraid of me?" I wondered
aloud. "I've done nothing to threaten the Dwarves."
    "It matters not," Lucinda said. "It is the
power you could wield against them that they fear, and there is something else.
With the Gods gone and with the old magic they possess, Bernd believes Grerin wishes
to set himself up as a God himself, to ensure that others can never use their
power against him. A return of the High Fae would certainly not fit into his
    "And he didn’t tell me this, why?" I asked her.
    "He did not want you distracted," she answered.
    "Distracted, eh? Well, that just figures. But I'm tired
of being distracted… by everyone."
    "Bernd would not want you to be involved," said
    "Yeah, well, too bad," I replied. I was really tired
of everyone else doing what they thought was best for me. Truth was, I'd been
manipulated in a lot of ways since this High Fae thing started, and I was sick of
it. It was time to take charge of my life.
    "Lucinda," I said. "When was the last time
you saw Bernd?"
    "Not since the night you freed the Lilin," she
admitted. "He told me he would return when he could. That has always been
his way."
    "Ok," I replied. "When I ask you to find him,
where do you go?"
    "He has agents in the Fae worlds. I speak to the trees
and the waters. They carry the message to him."
    "I see," I said. It seemed the Dwarves, or at
least the ones I knew, were as connected to the land as I was. That, of course,
could be good or bad. "Here's what you're gonna do. Like it or not I want
you to take Alf to Fae, and if you can't find Bernd, seek out Valen or Motgnir.
If you need help, ask Handion, the Elf. He can pass the message to the winged
horse, Althaea, to search for them. I want to know if they are safe. If that
doesn’t work we'll think of something else."
    Handion was an Elf that lived in the Fae worlds,
specifically, my Fae world of the Dryad. The Elves were neutral up to a point
but I had a feeling Handion would help. As to what else I could do, I called
out to Sendy. She was an Aurea, a sky Fae. Her kind had been messengers to the
Gods before The Fall. Now she was mine.
    "My Lord?" she asked as she appeared a moment
later, her wings folding up behind her back as she put a shirt on. Since she
often visibly accompanied me or others here, I had warned her that she needed
to carry clothes in the human world as she couldn't fly with them on. She was
quite beautiful and I still found it distracting talking business to a naked
Fae. Besides, things could get complicated if a twenty something year old naked
hottie just appeared out of nowhere. Especially at some of the places my business
took me.
    "Take a message to my aunt, Cacilia, and also to the Hamadryad
and other Fae Elders. Tell them I seek the counsel of Valen, Motgnir, and
Bernd. I also wish to be informed

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