Twin Passions
her his arm.
    The assembled guests had been silent while they watched
this interchange with great interest, but they quickly resumed their hearty
shouts of good wishes as the handsome couple walked to the dais and took their
places side by side at the main table.
    With a subtle wave of her hand, Lady Bronwen signaled
to the servants to bring in the food. Soon the long tables were groaning under
the weight of huge, steaming platters of roasted meat and smoked salmon. The
ravenous guests, amazed at the endless parade of dishes from the kitchen, soon
had their trenchers of thick, crusty bread piled high with succulent slices of
beef and fowl. All this and much more was to be washed down with ample
quantities of ale and honeyed mead. Savory side dishes of eggs with herbs and
roasted potatoes also accompanied the meal, as well as bowls of autumn
vegetables. And for dessert there were steaming puddings studded with choice
bits of dried fruits and nuts.
    As the guests settled down in earnest to enjoy the fine
repast, their contented sounds of eating mingled with the merry conversation,
occasional belches, and boisterous laughter. Once in a while a loud yelp was
heard from under a table, where a well-placed kick to a growling hound would
settle a dispute over discarded food.
    Musicians strolled among the tables strumming stringed
instruments, often stopping here and there to play a favored tune. Acrobats and
jugglers performed their daring feats for the astonished guests, while lively
jesters, clothed in multicolored costumes, teased and entertained with their
lusty tales and ribald jokes. Countless toasts were offered for the happiness
of the betrothed couple, and more than one red-faced guest collapsed into his
trencher in a drunken stupor.
    Gazing at Anora, still blushing prettily from the last
bawdy toast, Wulfgar had all he could do not to draw her into his arms and
taste the sweetness of her lush lips. He regretted that such little
conversation had passed between them during the meal, but Earl Godric had kept
him occupied with a long discourse on the year's political events. He had listened
with half an ear, unable to concentrate fully on the heated talk of strategy.
Anora's slender beauty and the occasional innocent touch of her leg against his
sinewy thigh had been wrecking havoc on his senses all night.
    Wulfgar took a long draft of ale from his silver
goblet, steeling himself to be patient. He had eaten well of the hearty fare
placed before him, but had drunk very little thus far. The warrior in him was
always on guard; and he preferred to keep his wits about him while in the household
of the earl. He leaned over toward Anora. "You have not eaten very much
tonight," he commented gently, looking at her untouched trencher.
    The sound of Wulfgar's voice, deep and resonant, sent a
thrill racing through Anora. "I am not very hungry, my lord," she
murmured. She looked down at her hands, folded in her lap, unable to think of
anything further to say. She must appear a tongue-tied simpleton to him, she
thought, chiding herself. Hearing her father launch into another political
tale, she glanced up just as Wulfgar reluctantly turned his attention once
again toward his host.
    She studied him unabashedly, drinking in the sight of
his ruggedly handsome features. His dark hair, almost black, fell in soft waves
to the collar of his tunic, while his steel blue eyes were framed by arching
black brows and a strong forehead. His commanding profile, strong jawline, and
the high-boned cheeks of his tanned face were a testimony to his Danish
    Resting her gaze on his chiseled lips, Anora wondered
vaguely what it would be like to feel them possess hers in a lingering kiss.
Wulfgar had kissed her lightly several times during their brief courtship, but
always in the presence of her maid-in-waiting. She recalled the sense of
restraint she had felt in his arms, as if he were holding something back.
Gazing at him now, imagining his

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