Twice In A Lifetime

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Book: Read Twice In A Lifetime for Free Online
Authors: Jennifer Jakes
could forget her betrayal.
    “No!” She wiggled back into the corner of the berth and hugged the pillow to her chest. “I worked for him. All right? That’s all.”
    Bitter relief rolled through him. She hadn’t been Roberts’ lover— but she was somehow involved.
    “Worked? Doing what?” He grasped her bare foot and squeezed. “And don’t lie. You do it badly.”
    She swallowed hard and all the blood drained from her face, but she didn’t look away. “Taking…direction.”
    Her shoulders drooped. “Yes.”
    Anger roiled through him. “So you spied, took directions, then reported back to him.” He reeled from the bed and buttoned his breeches. Damn it, he had wanted his suspicions to be wrong.
    He started pacing. How could he ever trust her now? And why did that hurt so damned much?
    He pivoted mid-step. “Do you realize how many ships that man pirated by following your directions? People died.”
    “What?” Her eyes widened. “No, wait, I didn’t—”
    “You just said you took directions. Listened to drunken crewman bragging about their cargo, no doubt. Was your showing up here part of Daniel’s directions? Are you here to sabotage my ship?”
    “Jesus! No. I’m here to save our marriage.” Her voice cracked and tears filled her eyes. “This has nothing to do with Daniel. I swear. And I had nothing to do with him pirating any ships.”
    Deuce, he wanted to believe her. “Maybe not knowingly, but what the Devil did you think he would do with the information you gave him?”
    She climbed to her feet, trembling as if she suffered from ague. “Ian, you’ve got this all wrong.”
    “How long did you work for that bastard?” he hissed.
    “Three months.” Her shoulders drooped, and she pulled the shirt over her head, letting it fall into place, covering her luscious body. Lying body . He had to remember the deceitful side of beauty. Businesses could be ruined. Lives could be lost. Hearts could be broken . He stiffened. No. He would maintain control, focus on what had to be done, not what— or who— he wanted.
    “Did you ever see Alicia with him?”
    She nodded. “Several times.”
    “And you know where in Jamaica he’s taken her?”
    “Yes. I believe I do.”
    Ian stalked to the door, fighting the urge to turn and take her into his arms. He couldn’t let himself care, not yet. He had to think, had to navigate through the lies and half-truths before he could make a decision.
    “Well, you’d better damned well hope so. Because wife or not, that is the only reason I’m letting you stay.”

Chapter Five
    Izzy stood at the window and watched the water skim by. The brilliant sunrise split the horizon, oranges and pinks reflected on turquoise water. Beauty she couldn’t enjoy.
    Wrapping the blanket tighter around her shoulders, she walked to the wash basin and splashed water on the dark bags beneath her eyes.
    Ian hadn’t returned last night, making it pretty clear how he felt. He didn’t want her, didn’t love her, didn’t trust her. Hell, he thought she was a spy. A spy! Of all the crazy ideas he’d ever had, this one topped them all. And trying to distract her with sex…though in all fairness, she’d intended to do the same, so maybe they were even.
    She dried her face and sighed into the towel.
    God, how had this become such a big mess in such a short amount of time? Ian was so angry. No, more than angry. Hurt glittered in his eyes last night. Hurt and disappointment. Exactly the same look he’d worn when he’d left before— in the future.
    She heaved a long breath. Future. Past. Apparently she and Ian couldn’t be happy together in either life.
    At least in 2011 she had some money and a job. And basic civil rights. Now, she didn’t have shit. What did a man do with an unwanted wife in 1768? Make her walk the plank? Shark bait? Leave her on a deserted island?
    I’ve watched Pirates Of The Caribbean too many times.
    Okay. Still, she’d

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