Trusting Jay: (A Chicago Suits Romance) (Loving Jay Book 1)

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Book: Read Trusting Jay: (A Chicago Suits Romance) (Loving Jay Book 1) for Free Online
Authors: Simone Sowood
right after the game finishes.”
    “Oh.”  So much for sex.  This is just a date.  A date as in a relationship.  I don’t like that.
    “I’m really sorry, I have a busy week,” he said.
    “Doing what?  I thought you said you don’t have a job.”
    “I don’t.  I just have some stuff to do.”
    “I don’t get you.  You say you don’t work, you swan about downtown, sit court side at basketball games, and have an endless wardrobe of what appear to be very expensive suits.”  I tried to sound lighthearted.  The truth is I don’t really care, since this isn’t a relationship.
    Jay pursed his lips but didn’t respond to my comment.  I smiled at him, leaned into him and kissed his cheek.  My hand had landed on his bicep, and I let it linger.  I thought, but couldn’t be sure through the suit jacket, that he flexed it a little.

    * * *
    B y the time we’d reached my building, we were laughing and chatting and I didn’t want him to go.
    “Come up for a coffee?” I asked.  My left eyebrow raised in hope, hope blending into begging.
    Jay pulled me close and squeezed me.  “Not tonight.”
    “I’m coming for dinner, remember.”  He kissed the top of my head but didn’t relax his squeeze on me.
    I looked up and tried not to pout.  “But that’s almost two whole weeks away.”
    He released his grip on me, “I know.  There’s nothing I can do about it.”
    I stretched up to find his lips, and kissed him lightly, hoping I could entice him.  His lips responded, and pushed my lips apart, allowing his tongue to explore my mouth.  His hand explored down my side, sliding over the curve of my hip until it made its way around to my ass.  My entire body stood on alert, yearning for more.
    All too soon, he broke away from me, leaving me standing, untouched at my door.
    “I’ll see you at dinner,” he said, then turned and walked away.

    T he rest of the week dragged.  I spent the weekend blitzing my condo, in anticipation of Jay’s visit the following weekend.  I hated dusting, but made sure every surface was clean.  Then I tackled the chair in my bedroom.  It’s the spot I dump clothing, from stuff that had an hour or two of wear and didn’t warrant washing, to stuff I put on to wear and then decided I looked too fat in it.
    I folded everything into two piles, put the clothes from one away, snd stuck the other pile on the top shelf in my closet.
    The work week sucked, Calvin seemed to be getting more and more aggressive towards me. He even wrote up some report on me to HR. Something about my attitude and work ethic.  But I did get around to updating my resume, and sent off a copy to Marla as well as a few other agencies I’d found online. 
    On Friday after work, Sam, Jenny, Marla and I sat in the bar, sipping margaritas.  The three of them chatted about the plans for Jenny’s thirtieth.  Even though Jenny was my best friend, I had trouble joining in.  Calvin had shit on me all week, and I needed more than a drink to lean on.  I needed a hug.  Pathetic, I know.  I also know Jenny would be more than happy for me to cry on her shoulder, but her big party was only three weeks away and I didn’t want to be a downer.
    “So what are you cooking tomorrow?” Sam asked me.
    “Huh?  Oh.  I’m going to do a simple lasagna.”
    “The daydreamer awakes,” Jenny laughed.
    “I knew the mention of her date with Jay would pull her out,” Sam laughed.
    I forced a laugh, “I’m sorry girls, I just have a lot on my mind.”
    “Yeah, a lot of cock,” Sam said.  They all burst out laughing.
    “Look at her, she’s red,” Marla said.
    “Enough, okay?”  But my plea fell on deaf ears.
    “Abbie’s getting laid, Abbie’s getting laid.” Sam chanted.
    “I sure hope so,” I said.
    “Abbie and Jay sitting in a tree,” Jenny sang.
    “No, not that.  Just getting laid,” I stated.
    Jenny sighed, my continual resistance to a new relationship drove her nuts,

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