thirty. I’d like to pick you up and take you out as promised to apologize
for my ‘moronic’ behavior yesterday. Please feel free to text me your address or, alternatively, somewhere you would feel comfortable being picked up from.
I look forward to seeing you. Aiden”
First thought is wow, amazing, awesome etc. Then, what an ass! Why should he pick me up? Why can’t I meet him somewhere? I mean what if he’s a stalker or something? I don’t want him to know where I live if he’s a
serial-killing, axe-murdering rapist! And the other thing... What do I wear? Is this a casual jeans event or an elegant dress affair? I don’t know because he didn’t tell me!
Rant over.
Luv me xoxo
I huff as I send the email. Why does this guy get me so worked up? I greet the guys as they walk through the doors—Tim, Mark,
Adam, Lorenzo, Doug, Jamie, Paul, and Scott, followed by Bob, who has been here since seven thirty doing paperwork.
“High five,” Tim yells like Borat as he walks past. I laugh and put my hand up in a high-five motion. I shake my head, and the other guys
laugh and carry on like normal co-workers do. Once they leave and my reception area is quiet once more, I stare at the flowers and notice their beauty. He must have spent a fortune on them. My mood toward Aiden shifts into something much
softer, pleasurable even, that he had gone out of his way to buy me something so beautiful.
Time flies as I get on with my daily routine. Suddenly I realize I haven’t sent a thank-you to Aiden. I quickly pull my cell phone out
from my handbag and open up a message. Hmm, now what to write back?
Thank you for the flowers. They are lovely, and you can pick me up from work.
No, I don’t want to come all dressed up to work. I delete
Thank you for the flowers. They are so beautiful. I’ll see you Friday night, but may I suggest we meet somewhere rather than you picking
me up? I’d feel more comfortable with this arrangement. If you let me know the place and time, I’ll be there. Jeni
Yep, that should do it. Send. I take in a deep breath and put my cell phone back in my bag, trying not to get overly excited to hear
back from him. I hear the twelve-thirty alarm ring for lunch. I get up and walk briskly to the kitchen before the guys get there and take all the food. I open the fridge.
“Hmm, what shall I have today?” Chicken, avocado, semi-dried
tomato and cheese baguette looks good. I take the baguette and a Sunkist out of the fridge. I turn to walk off, and the guys come in with their dirty hands. I try to walk away as fast as I can, but Tim runs up behind me, goes to slap me
on the ass, as it is tradition, but he hesitates. I turn and look at him, confused.
“No slap today, Timmy?”
“First of all, don’t call me Timmy, and secondly, you
snapped at me yesterday. Just wanted to know if the old gorgeous Jeni is back or if the new grumpy Jeni is still here.”
Poor Tim. I lean my ass toward him. “It’s the old Jeni, Timmy.”
A smile lights his face, and he slaps me on the ass. Whack.
I jump from the smack. “Ouch.”
I see a slight glimmer in Tim’s eyes that I haven’t noticed before. I ignore it and go to walk out of the room.
“Bye, Jeni” they say in unison.
I laugh and take my lunch back to my desk. I eat in peace and quiet. For once the phone doesn’t ring, and no customers come in to pay their accounts. My mind starts to wander to Aiden and his gorgeous face. I pick
up my bag to get out my cell phone, and as I do, it beeps , telling me I have a message.
I’m glad you liked the flowers. I chose them myself ;-p I’d
prefer to pick you up, as I have a surprise for you. A chauffeured vehicle will pick you up (from anywhere you choose) at five thirty on Friday evening. Please forward me an address. I look forward to seeing you, Aiden.
“Fine,” I say out loud, frustrated as I re-read the message. I notice one small detail that seems different