Trust Again

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Book: Read Trust Again for Free Online
Authors: Christy Newton
out the door did Jacob walk in. Darn. She’d forgotten to open his gift.
    “Ready for that coffee?” Jacob grinned.
    “Just a sec.” Ellie pulled the gift bag up from behind the counter. “I got busy so I kind of forgot about this.”
    “That’s okay. Open it now.”
    Ellie pulled out the pink tissue paper and looked down in the bag. A fuzzy, caramel-colored bear and a tiny black box. She ignored the box and removed the bear. “Thanks. It’s sweet.”
    Jacob licked his lower lip. “Look at the bow.”
    Ellie looked at the pink bow around the bear’s neck. Grand Opening and the date were embroidered on the ribbon. “This is sweet, Jacob.” What a thoughtful thing for a man to do.
    “I know.” He snickered. “Now open the box.”
    Her stomach knotted. Surely he didn’t get her jewelry. She lifted the lid on the square box and laughed. “A candy necklace.”
    He smirked. “You like it?”
    “Like it? I love it.” She put the stretchy band of tart candy around her neck and bit off a piece. She hadn’t had one of these since she was ten. “You want a bite?”
    He shook his head. “Not tonight. But thanks.”
    Ellie turned out the lights, so he opened the door for her and stood beside her while she locked up. They walked down the sidewalk lined with Bradford pear trees to the diner. Main Street was quaint and Ellie was glad to be a part of it. The air had chilled, and Ellie got goosebumps right before Jacob pulled open the door to Ginger Snaps, where the air was as warm and comforting as a slice of homemade pie. They took a seat in a corner booth. Jacob reached over and moved a strand of Ellie’s hair away from her face. His finger grazed her cheek and made her heart speed up. “The wind must have blown it,” he explained, then grabbed a menu.
    A familiar redhead stood in front of them. “What can I get ya?”
    Jacob looked up. “Maisie! What are you doing still working here? I thought you were helping Ryan at the clinic now.”
    “I’m just fillin’ in. Ginger will be back tomorrow.” She pointed at Jacob and winked. “He’s a catch.”
    Ellie twirled her earring and pretended to study the menu. Though some girls might, she didn’t feel at all ridiculous wearing an edible necklace. “I’ll have coffee. Three sugars.”
    “Coffee for me also. Two sugars.” Jacob looked at Ellie. “Are you hungry?”
    She was starving, but her stomach was too nervous to eat. “No. But you go ahead.”
    He handed back their menus. “Just coffee. Thanks, Maisie.”
    The redhead nodded. “Be right back.”
    “You remember Maisie from the canal. She used to work here, but now she helps Ryan out part-time at his veterinarian clinic.” Jacob smiled.
    Ellie spun her earring around. “I met her briefly.”
    “She thinks she needs to take care of me or something. She’s pregnant, so it must be that nesting thing everyone talks about.”
    Maisie sat two large mugs of steaming coffee in front of Jacob and Ellie and an extra large plate of home fries smothered in cheese sauce in between them. “These are on the house.”
    When Maisie left, Jacob looked at Ellie. “See?”
    Ellie nodded, feeling a bit awkward. Jacob lifted a cheesy fry. Her growling stomach insisted she eat, so she took one as well. The greasy stick smothered in gooey cheese made her eyes close in delight. “Oh my gosh! Those are good.”
    Jacob took another. “They are, aren’t they?”
    They both chewed, glancing at each other every so often. Once the food was gone and they’d gotten a refill on their coffees, Jacob grinned. “I’d like you to go on a date with me tomorrow night.”
    Ellie motioned to the table between them. “What? You mean this wasn’t a date?”
    Jacob laughed. “No. I have something a little better than coffee and free cheese fries in mind.”
    Ellie giggled. Why not? He couldn’t be too bad if a pregnant woman doted after him. “Okay.”
    Jacob’s eyes widened. “Okay?”
    Confused at his reaction, she tilted

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