Trigger Warning: Extreme Horror: Contains Strong Sexual Content, Violence, Drug Use, and Language.

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Book: Read Trigger Warning: Extreme Horror: Contains Strong Sexual Content, Violence, Drug Use, and Language. for Free Online
Authors: John Raptor
Sing me a tune I haven’t heard.
    “There’s no escape,” I whisper. “We’re going to die.”
    “No!” The ape-man screams, startled by reality. “We’re getting the fuck out of here! One way or another!”
    “What’s your sin?” I ask him.
    The ape-man glares at me. “None of your goddam business.”
    “Yeah, actually, it is. It’s the reason we’re down here.”
    “No, it’s not! We’re both down here because we both did something stupid! We’re stupid! You’re stupid, and I’m stupid!”
    “Why are you stupid then?”
    “Why are you stupid?” the ape-man shoots back.
    I wipe mascara off my face and look down at the floor.
    “You’re a whore, that’s obvious,” the ape-man says.
    I don’t want to (I want to fire back, tell him he’s a dirty filthy good-for-nothing ape-man), but I start crying.
    He doesn’t care and ignores me, like ape-men are wont to do.
    A fucking whore just like fucking Angela.
    I should’ve never got involved with that fucking slut. It had to have been her. She’s the only one I’ve ever told. I don’t know why I told her more than I told my own fucking wife. Because she asked, I guess. She wanted to hear the fucked up shit.
    Angela’s fucking crazy, obsessed with sex and murder. This is probably her idea of foreplay. She probably wants me all for herself. Probably had my wife murdered. Now I’m stuck in a death chamber with this slut.
    This isn’t my fault, goddammit!
    I try to pray but I can’t. I don’t even remember the last time I prayed. I stopped caring about god a long time ago.
    A steel door on the opposite end of the room slides back—I never even noticed it. Am I blind? Or did it just materialize out of nowhere? Am I losing my fucking mind?
    Jennifer starts weeping again and I want to bash her fucking face in.
    The Bunny enters the room, giggling. (What else is fucking new?)
    “Tick-tock, tick-tock. At dawn, the sinners die,” the Bunny says.
    “I need to take a piss,” is what I say.
    “Okey dokey, artichokey.” The Bunny steps aside, gesturing outside the chamber. Must be a trick. That thing can’t actually be letting me out. “There’s a bathroom down the hall to your left.”
    I move toward the Bunny, shaking, sweating, sick with anxiety…and slowly inch past…it. The Bunny stares at me (wide dead eyes). I squint, trying to peer into the mesh…but see only darkness: no face, no human of either sex. It giggles and I nearly scream my fucking head off…but somehow, hold it in.
    Outside the chamber, I move into a long corridor: dark, except for a sick green light that tints the walls from an unknown source. Though judging from the way the green light shimmers (like the reflection of a swimming pool on a low ceiling), it’s from a body of water.
    “Don’t run away,” the Bunny calls after me, “or your torture will be ten times worse.” This, of course, sends the Bunny into a fit of mad giggles, which echo off the dripping stone walls.
    I shudder; continue down the corridor, splashing through puddles, cursing as the wetness soaks through my socks and shit-water squishes between my toes. My footsteps echo all around me as I step back onto solid concrete. I can’t quite judge how long the corridor is by the echoes, but I assume there are connecting corridors, maybe even mazes of them—like some sort of horrible labyrinth holding Minotaurs…except, we are the Minotaurs.
    I spot a rusty steel door (embedded into the stone wall) with the words BAFROOM scrawled on it (in blood?) and slowly reach for the copper handle, which has turned a pale green—probably from exposure to moisture.
    Not surprisingly, the door squeals open.
    It’s dark in here. Again, the only light is the ghostly green glow that haunts the rest of this labyrinth. I search the ceiling for green bulbs, a window, anything to let in that ethereal light…but find nothing but more and more concrete.
    The bafroom itself is a shithole (pun not

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