Tribute to Hell

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Book: Read Tribute to Hell for Free Online
Authors: Ian Irvine
Prince of Devilry, who once beat the Great God himself, then turned his back on Elyssian. I’ve got to do this!
    â€˜Yes, someone can.’ Astatine backed away between the rocks. ‘Father?’ she called, her voice ringing out between the thunderclaps. ‘Help us. If Fistus’s spells can control a god, neither Hightspall, Elyssian nor even Perdition is safe.’
    Behemoth appeared in the air before her, cross-legged as before. ‘Daughter, I cannot interfere.’
    â€˜Why not?’
    â€˜A sacred compact forbids us. We can cajole, persuade, seduce, even threaten, but neither gods nor demons may act directly in the world.’
    Was she to fall at the first obstacle? No; she summoned her demon blood, stood tall and curled her lip. ‘I thought you were supposed to be evil !’ she said, dripping scorn. ‘Break the damn bloody compact.’
    â€˜I can,’ he said, smiling at the mildness of her oaths, ‘but would you call demons into Hightspall without the gods to balance us?’
    Astatine paled. She had not thought of that. ‘Do it!’
    As Behemoth faded, she ran back to Greave, who was hunched over as if in pain. ‘Lord Greave, you have a link to K’nacka. Call him down.’
    Greave turned, his eyes unfocussed. ‘K’nacka?’
    â€˜Yes, quickly.’
    Greave rubbed his face with his hands, then called her god, who appeared at once. Had he been waiting for the summons?
    Astatine’s heart began to pound so furiously she feared it would tearfree of its arteries. Her god, her god! But she had to be calm; there were only seconds left.
    â€˜Great K’nacka,’ she said, bowing low. ‘See what your servant Fistus has done? The Seven Gods must enter Hightspall and stop him before it’s too late.’
    There is a compact, little nun , said K’nacka.
    â€˜Break it!’
    The gods do not break compacts . He glared at her as though she were a turd on his pillow.
    â€˜Perdition is going to.’ She lowered her voice. ‘Besides, I know where the Covenant is.’
    His head jerked up, wobbling his jowls like twin jellies. I’ve been told it was burned in the casket, long ago.
    â€˜I have a perfect copy,’ she lied, ‘and if you’re afraid to break the compact, I’ll reveal the Covenant. The gods will become a laughing stock — and you will be cast down.’
    K’nacka let out such a roar than she was blown tumbling backwards and, by the time she had recovered, he was gone.
    â€˜Fistus is taking control,’ Roget said, peering over the rocks.
    Astatine did not think Greave’s head could hang any lower. She pitied him now, but could do nothing for him either. Her efforts had been in vain. Who did she think she was, little mouse, to order immortals about?
    â€˜Stamp them out!’ shouted the Carnal Cardinal, pointing in their direction.
    The Great God stopped, one foot in the air, bundles of lightning bolts clutched in his upraised left fist. Now he swivelled away from Fistus, grinding stone to dust beneath his feet, and hurled a bolt at their refuge.
    Astatine dived away as a ravine was blasted through the rock mound, sending fountains of shattered stone arching out to either side. The god swung back towards Fistus, flinging bolts at him, one after another. One shattered the remains of the Cloven Shrine; a second killed dozens of Red Monks. Most of the survivors fled, but Fistus remained where he was, deflecting the bolts with sweeps of his arms.
    â€˜His magic is unbelievable,’ whispered Roget.
    And Father gave it to him, thought Astatine. If he won’t put things right, I must. ‘Gods, please break the compact!’
    Fistus cast the Control Spell again, but neither gods nor demons appeared. The Great God rotated like an automaton, took a step towards their hiding place, and Astatine prepared to die.
    She huddled in the lightning-riven dark as smashed rock fell all

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