
Read Trent for Free Online Page A

Book: Read Trent for Free Online
Authors: Kathi S. Barton
Tags: Erótica, paranormal romance
down, Trent started talking.
    “He said that he loves her. I’m not sure what
I should do now.” Before she could ask him who or what he was talking about, he
continued. “I had no idea what to think when my wolf recognized her before I
did, so I scared her. And she called for Noah. Now she’s gone and he’s pissed
off and in love with my mate.”
    “Joe? Joe Samuels is your mate?” He nodded without
looking at her. “Trent, are you sure? Well, that’s a silly question, of course
you are. That’s the reason for the long face and moping around here, I take it?”
    “She and Noah are leaving soon. If they haven’t
already. Max Ford is giving him some trouble, so they have to move before he
hurts them. He wouldn’t...Noah wouldn’t give me much in the way of information
about her because he said that was up to me.” Christine stood up and walked to
stand in front of her son. Telling him to stand, she slapped him hard across
the face. “What the hell was that for?”
    “Did he say he was in love with her or that
he loved her?” Without waiting for him to answer, she did for him. “He loves
her. Like I do you...most of the time anyway. Right now I want to turn you over
my knee and paddle you but good. And don’t you think I can’t do it either. Noah
and Joe, the two of them have been together for decades, he told us that. And
here you sit on your bottom, acting like...well, I’m not sure what you’re
acting like. A spoiled child perhaps? Maybe a baby who’s not had a nap? A wolf
gets one shot at this, and you’re letting it slip through your fingers like it’s
nothing. Or is it nothing to you?”
    “I don’t know what this is.” He sat back
down. “I thought Dad had set it up. And before you hit me again, you know that
I have good reason to think that. The man is positively insane to keep me
between the sheets for some reason. And then Sawyer comes in and tells me that
I need to get out more. Date and see the world with other people. Women, he
meant. I was thinking about that, really I was, about how I’ve not had a
vacation in ten years. I don’t even enjoy going on business trips because I’m
there for as little time as possible. I don’t delegate, either, but do it all
myself, even ignoring the pleas of my partner, my own brother who I trust with
my life to take on more. Then this beautiful woman comes in and I scare the
crap out of her by letting my wolf rule my head. To be honest, Mom, I’m
thinking that she might be better off without me.”
    “Why?” He looked at her then, and it twisted
up her heart to see him like this. Broken, she thought. Her son was broken. “Trent,
why do you think this girl would be better off not loving you?”
    “I’m not a nice person. I don’t know how to
be friendly. I have no friends to speak of but family. And most of the time,
I’m sure you want to bash my head in. Or slap me around a bit.” He winked at
her and smiled. “She had Dad eating out of her hand in only a few days, and a
vampire that risked coming out in the sunlight to save her. I don’t know how to
be that person she needs.”
    “Oh Trent, what the hell are you thinking?” He
looked at her, and she wanted to hit him and hug him at the same time. “As your
mother I hate to say this to you when you’re down like this, but get up off
your ass and fix this. I don’t care if you have to hire friends to figure this
out. Go to this girl on your hands and knees, but you fix this with her. You
will never get another chance at happiness if you don’t go and find her.”
    She stood up, and so did he. When he looked
like he was going to say something she put up her hands. It was time to cut the
strings with him, and no better way to do that than to simply cut them.
    “You have two hours to get your things and
move back to your own home. I’m not going to be picking up the pieces when this
all hits the fan. Go and sulk or whatever it is you’re currently doing to find
your mate away from

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