Trapped in Time-Extinction
the powered glider was larger than the standard gliders. He rose quickly and saw he was rising faster than both Rory and Johnathan. He spiraled upward and turned toward the cliffs. He could see the lights in the distance from his altitude and he moved toward the lights at the north end of the city. He had the map Zeck had drawn taped to the wing above him and picked up speed as he flew toward the huge city. He hoped this slave wouldn’t prove to be a problem. He really liked and respected Zeck and decided that he wasn’t going to let him down. He turned back into the wind to gain altitude and turned back toward the city. There were low-level clouds passing under him as the storm played out and he flew below them to keep the north side of the city in view.
    He looked at the map and saw the edge of the forest ran along the city’s eastern perimeter. He turned slightly and flew toward the northern most lights. The slave was located a mile south of those lights. He shook his head and corrected the glider’s path. The larger glider slowly turned and Tyler forced it back on course; it wasn’t as maneuverable as a standard glider. He made another correction and saw the cliffs moving quickly below him. The Storm Chaser was at the edge of the horizon as seen from the top of the cliffs and the five miles quickly passed. He arrived at the city and banked back out to sea. The winds had pushed him a quarter of a mile too far south and he worked his way higher until he was a half mile out from the buildings that marked the end of the city. He looked down at the sprawling city that expanded to the south and focused on the lights.
    The streets had covered lanterns lining them and the main street running south toward the city proper was easily visible, even though the storm had blown out many of the lanterns. He flew high over the wide street as he looked for the fifth street that branched off the main thoroughfare and ran toward the forest. He looked closely and turned back twice to take another look. He saw that one of the side streets had all of its lanterns blown out. The lanterns outside the homes on the street were what allowed him to see it.
    He turned and moved slowly toward the south manipulating the glider so that it was almost stationary above the city. He finally found the fifth street and he turned and quickly flew its length toward the forest. He banked around and looked on the south side of the street and saw lanterns moving along a small lane. He flew lower and suddenly whipped the glider higher. Something flashed just below him and he reacted without thinking. He kept one of the lanterns in focus and saw the light was flickering. He turned a circle and moved over the lantern again and saw that there was a web of thin metal lines crisscrossing over the buildings. The flash he had seen was the lantern reflecting off the metal wire.
    The city was covered with a vast network of crisscrossing cables. He flew back down the street at a higher altitude and marked the third house south of the side street in his memory. He flew higher and flew along the edge of the forest outside the wall that surrounded the city and saw the wires were attached to tall trees located just outside the perimeter. The tree’s lower branches had been stripped off and the wires webbed out from the trunks.
    This is just great!
Getting the slave out now became much more difficult. He would have to take her through the forest to the cliff and Zeck had told him the forest was inhabited by large predators. He wondered if the predators had been whistle trained. He remembered Andy saying he had encountered predators that ran from his whistle. He held the control arm and pulled his whistle out from inside his shirt. He flew out over the forest and blew his whistle. The roar of the predators was instant and he was thankful for that. However, using the whistle would cause the predators to roar and that might cause the Destroyer Warriors to check out what was

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