Traitor's Moon

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Book: Read Traitor's Moon for Free Online
Authors: Lynn Flewelling
Tags: english eBooks
probably live as long.
    â€œMany Aurënfaie were against a treaty,” Seregil went on. “For time out of mind the Zengati have raided our shores—taking slaves, burning towns. Every house along the southern coast has a few battle trophies. It’s a testament to the influence of our clan that my father got as far with his plan as he did.
    â€œThe gathering took place beside a river on the western edge of our fai’thast, and at least half the clans there had come to make sure he failed. For some, it was hatred of the Zengati, but there were others, like the Virésse and Ra’basi, who disliked the prospect of western clans allying with the Zengati. Looking back now, I suppose it was a justifiable concern.
    â€œYou recall me saying that Aurënen has no king or queen? Each clan is governed by a khirnari—”
    â€œÂ â€˜And the khirnari of the eleven principal clans form the Iia’sidra Council, which acts as a meeting place for the making of alliances and the settling of grievances and feuds,’ ” Alec finished, rattling it off like a lesson.
    Seregil chuckled; you seldom had to teach him anything twice, especially if it had to do with Aurënen. “My father was the khirnari for Bôkthersa, just as my sister Adzriel is now. The khirnari of all the principal clans and many of the lesser ones came together with the Zengati. The tents covered acres, a whole town sprung up like a patch of summer mushrooms.” He smiled wistfully, remembering kinder days. “Entire families came, as if it were a festival. The adults went off and growled at each other all day, but for the rest of us, it was fun.”
    He rose to pour fresh wine, then stood by the hearth, swirling the untasted contents of his cup. The closer he came to the heart of the story, the harder it was to tell.
    â€œI don’t suppose I’ve ever said much about my childhood?”
    â€œNot a lot,” Alec allowed, and Seregil sensed the lingering resentment behind the bland words. “I know that, like me, you never knew your mother. You once let slip that you have three sisters besides Adzriel. Let’s see: Shalar, Mydri, and—who’s the youngest?”
    â€œIlina, yes, and that Adzriel raised you.”
    â€œWell, she did her best. I was rather wild as a boy.”
    Alec smirked. “I’d be more surprised to hear that you weren’t.”
    â€œReally?” Seregil was grateful or this brief, bantering respite. “Still, it didn’t much please my father. In fact, I don’t remember much about me that did, except my skill at music and swordplay, and those weren’t enough most days. By the time I’m speaking of, I mostly just stayed out of his way.
    â€œThis gathering threw us back together again, and at first I did my best to behave. Then I met a young man named Ilar.” Just speaking the name made his chest tighten. “Ilar í Sontír. He was a Chyptaulos, one of the eastern clans my father hoped to sway to our side. My father was delighted—at first.
    â€œIlar was …” The next part came hard. Just speaking the man’s name aloud brought him back like a summoned spirit. “He was handsome, impetuous, and always had plenty of time to go hunting or swimming with my friends and me. He was nearly man grown, and we were all terribly flattered by his attention. I was his favorite from the start, and after a few weeks the two of us began to go off on our own whenever we could.”
    He took a long sip from his cup and saw that his hand was trembling. For years he’d buried these memories, but with a single telling the old feelings surfaced, raw as they’d been that long ago summer.
    â€œI’d had a few flirtations—friends, girl cousins, and the like—but nothing like this. I suppose you could say he seduced me, though as I recall it didn’t take much effort on his

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