Trace's Temptation (RARE Series, #3)

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Book: Read Trace's Temptation (RARE Series, #3) for Free Online
Authors: Dawn Sullivan
Tags: Romance, paranormal romance, shifters, shifter romance
the urge to yank on the tie that came with the monkey suit he was required to wear so he could easily blend in with the high class crowd surrounding him.  He hated snobs, hated crowds of any kind, and wanted to be anywhere but where he was at the moment.  And he would be...soon.  His sister needed him. 
    Picking up a flute of champagne from a passing waitress, Jinx wandered closer to his target.  The General had sent him to dispense of a senator whom he claimed was blocking movement in the General’s breeding program.  The truth was, the man was an investor in the program and had threatened to pull his funds if the General didn’t help him smuggle under aged girls into the United States from other countries.  The girls were being kidnapped and when they reached the states, they were sold at an auction to the highest bidder.
    While the General didn’t care what happened to those girls, he was pissed the Senator had the nerve to give him an ultimatum.  So, he decided he didn’t need him around anymore.  He would find another investor.
    After taking a trip through the Senator’s mind, Jinx didn’t give a shit about either of the men’s motives.  The sick fuck raped girls that couldn’t be more than 13 or 14, and he was going to die. 
    When Jinx was within ten feet of the bastard, he stopped and waited for the man to look over.  When he did, Jinx smirked.  This is for all of the defenseless little girls you defiled, he growled softly into the Senator’s mind.  You will never hurt any of them again.   Jinx’s sardonic grin grew as the Senator started to choke.  Dropping the glass he held, the man clawed at his throat with his hands, his eyes begging Jinx to stop.  Just think about how those young girls felt every time you took them, Jinx snarled, the grin never leaving his face.  Let that be the last thing in your mind when you die, you bastard.  This is for them.   The man’s eyes widened as he gasped for breath before slowly sliding to the floor as he took his last breath.   
    Turning, Jinx made his way to the exit, stopping to glance back one last time at the still body of the man lying on the ballroom floor.  He had no problem killing if it was justified.  And that fucker’s death was definitely justified.
    Turning, Jinx left the building and handed the valet out front the ticket for his car.  He would swap it for a different form of transportation when he left town.  He would need something a lot faster than the Cadillac he was driving if he was going to reach Denver in the afternoon.

Chapter 4
    S haking his head to try and clear his vision, Trace struggled uselessly against the chains that held him captive.  How the hell did he allow himself to get caught and thrown in The Dungeon?  He remembered mistakenly thinking if he went with the bastards who caught him, he would eventually break free and beat feet back to Denver.  After killing his father, of course.  He should have known better. 
    Trace groaned as he tried to block out the pain that ravaged his body.  His captors visited him at least four times a week to beat the hell out of him and to try and extract information.  Trace didn’t care what they did; there was no way he was giving up his mother and Starr’s location.  They would have to kill him. 
    Leaning back against the concrete wall, Trace let himself relax as he closed his eyes and thought of his one regret, not claiming his mate.  Jade...his beautiful, sweet Jade.  He’d thought of her numerous times since his captivity and wanted nothing more than to hold her in his arms one more time before he died.  She was so beautiful with her long, silky blonde hair, dark green eyes, and soft, milky white skin.  So delicate and pure.  After everything Trace had done in his past, he knew he didn’t deserve someone like Jade.  But fate seemed to think differently.  Fate had given him Jade and all he wanted was the chance to love and cherish her.  Trace clenched his

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