I'm sure, ” he snapped. “ Well, let me know what you find out. If it's possible. ”
“ Bras! ” Lottres gasped. Even as well as he knew his brother, Brastigan's rudeness still shocked him sometimes.
“ You must learn to trust your father's counsel, ” Eben answered, unruffled. Meaning that they should trust him. Lottres did trust Eben, but Brastigan seemed determined to view this as a personal betrayal.
“ Leave me alone! ” He stalked across the flat roof and stared at the darkening mountains.
Lottres tried to swallow his own irritation and concentrate on his question.
“ Master Eben, ” Lottres persisted, “ who is the Lady of Hawkwing House? ”
“ Mistress Yriatt is an ally to Crutham, ” Eben replied, “ just as I am. The rest is for the king to explain. ”
Brastigan gave a sharp bark of laughter. Lottres winced.
“ Your highness? ” Eben asked politely.
Brastigan tossed his raven hair over his shoulder. “ That would mean he'd have to talk to us, ” he explained caustically.
Eben gave Brastigan a probing stare. “ Shall I suggest it? ”
“ Don't bother, ” he answered bitterly. To Lottres, he snapped, “ You might as well give up, Pup. He isn't going to tell you anything. He's part of the whole scheme. ”
“ You assume I mean you ill, ” Eben countered, though he didn't deny Brastigan's accusation.
“ What else can I believe? ” was Brastigan's scathing reply. With a snort, he told Lottres, “ I'll be downstairs packing. ”
“ Bras, wait! ” Lottres cried as Brastigan started down the stairs. He wasn't sure what he was going to say, but Eben interceded.
“ Prince Lottres, if I may have your attention for a moment longer. ”
“ Yes, Eben. I'm sorry, he's… ” Lottres began, then stopped. He shouldn't have to apologize for Brastigan. Let him do it himself, or not.
“ This isn't your fault, ” Eben said quietly. “ Nevertheless, your queries speak well of you. I can tell you that I know Mistress Yriatt well. She has my deepest trust. You need fear no evil of her. ”
“ I never said I feared it, ” Lottres reassured him. Then, hopefully, “ Do you at least have a map to Hawkwing House? I'd never heard of it before today. ”
“ Not many have, ” Eben said, “ and that is as she desires. ” She being the mysterious Yriatt, Lottres assumed. He was already anxious to meet her. The king's wizard continued, “ I fear I do not have a map, for I do not need one. A copy may exist in the royal archive. You should seek there. ”
“ Very well, I will. ” Lottres nodded. He had used the archive before, and thought he might even have an idea where to look first. Lottres glanced at the lowering sun, trying to gauge his time for a search before supper. Then he realized Eben was still watching him with a strange, penetrating gaze.
Belatedly, Lottres asked, “ Is there something else? ”
“ Perhaps, ” Eben said. “ It has seemed, of late, that you grow restless, Prince Lottres. That you wish for more in your life. Am I correct? ”
Lottres stared for a moment. He had no idea how Eben knew this when he hadn't even told Brastigan about it. Yet Eben spoke Lottres's heart exactly. Wishing for more was undeniably how he felt.
“ Yes, ” Lottres answered, fumbling for words. “ I realize that, as a royal prince, service is expected of me. Yet... just because I can add, doesn't mean I want to spend all my days in a counting house. ”
Eben's leathery face creased with gentle humor. “ Or a scribe's copy house, ” he said, nodding. “ I, too, once felt the same. Only it was no falcon that landed on my shoulder. ” Lottres listened with intense interest, but Eben retreated from whatever tale he had to tell. He went on, “ I have sensed your interest in my arts, your highness. What is more, I believe you do have an aptitude. ”
“ I do? ” Once again Lottres felt a thrill go through him. He could hardly believe what he was hearing. “ You mean, be a
Stephen King, Stewart O'Nan
Paul Brown, Eddie Payton, Craig Wiley