Tomorrow Is Today
tomorrow, Holly.”
    Danny seemed to find my slight distress humorous. “What was going on there?” He slapped a hand over his mouth, eyes widening. “Oh damn…I remember now…that’s the high school chick…and she had a boyfriend, didn’t she? Dude, that’s so messed up.”
    I groaned and rubbed my eyes, suddenly feeling too exhausted to play softball. I didn’t know what had just happened between me and Holly, but whatever it was, it made me feel so far out of my element.
    Nothing about being around Holly was predictable and I couldn’t help but wonder if it was the same for her? And more importantly, what did she want to do about it?



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by Julie Cross

    SATURDAY, APRIL 11, 2009

    Okay, so it’s true. I can time-travel. But it’s not as exciting as it sounds. I can’t go back in time and kill Hitler. I can’t go to the future and see who wins the World Series in 2038. So far, the most I’ve ever jumped is about six hours in the past. Some superhero, right?
    Tonight, I finally let someone in on my secret. Someone whose IQ is light-years above mine, so, basically he might actually be able to figure me out. The one request Adam insists I follow is documentation. A record of nearly every moment from this point on. Actually, he wanted the eighteen years prior to today, but I talked him out of it__for now. Even though I’m going along with this journal idea, it doesn’t mean I buy into it. It’s not like the world’s going to end just because I can jump around in time. Or that I’ll serve some greater purpose, like saving the human race from dying. But as Adam says, I must be like this for a reason and it’s up to us to find out why.
    Jackson Meyer

Chapter One

    TUESDAY, AUGUST 4, 2009, 12:15 p.m.

    “How far back should I go?” I asked Adam.

    We kept a good distance between us and the long line of kids gathering around the polar bears.

    “Thirty minutes?” Adam suggested.

    “Hey, let that go!” Holly snatched the bag of candy one of the campers had swiped from a toddler’s stroller and threw an exasperated look in my direction. “It’d be nice if you would actually watch your group of kids.”

    “Sorry, Hol.” I scooped Hunter up before his kleptomaniac habits got any worse. “Hold up your hands,” I told him.

    He grinned a toothless smile and opened his chubby hands in front of my face. “See? Nothing.”

    “Let’s keep it that way, all right? You don’t need to take other people’s stuff.” I set the kid back down and gave him a shove toward the others, who were heading for the large stretch of grass reserved for campers having lunch at the zoo.

    “Holly Flynn,” I said, grabbing her hand and twining her fingers in mine.

    She spun around to face me. “You have a soft spot for the klepto kid, don’t you?”

    I smiled at her and shrugged. “Maybe.”

    Her face relaxed and she tugged on the front of my shirt, pulling me closer before kissing my cheek. “So…what are you doing tonight?”

    “Um…I’ve got plans with this really pretty blond chick.” Except I couldn’t remember what we had planned. “It’s a…surprise.”

    “You’re so full of it.” She laughed and

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