To Tame a Tycoon

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Book: Read To Tame a Tycoon for Free Online
Authors: Judy Angelo
limousine.  What would the neighbors think?  She almost gave a chuckle as she thought of Mrs. Peabody peeping through the curtains to see what was going on.  Mrs. Busybody would have been a more appropriate name for that neighborhood watchdog.  She’d have a lot to talk about tonight.
    So Rico had ‘sent’ for her, had he?  No problem.  She was glad he’d not come himself.  Now she would have a few more minutes to gather her wits about her to prepare for battle.
    And a battle it would be - not with Rico, but with herself.  She was too darned attracted to the man for her own good.  This is business, she kept telling herself, this is business.  She’d said it so many times that her mind was finally convinced.  Her heart, rebellious as it was, would need more convincing.
    As the chauffeur nodded in greeting and opened the door for her she smiled and murmured her thanks then bent her head to get into the vehicle.  And that was when she saw him.
    Rico Megalos sat lounging on the luxurious leather seat of the limousine looking very relaxed, very sexy and very much the billionaire.  He fit perfectly in this environment.  He was dressed in gray slacks and a shirt of soft white cotton that was open to reveal just a hint of his muscled chest.  His clothing was casual enough but it was the way he wore it that threw her off.  So confident, so blasé, no matter what the man was wearing he still looked like money.
    “Aren’t you coming in?”  There was an amused twist to Rico’s mouth as he watched her still peering in at the door.
    To her chagrin a blush crept up Asia’s throat.  She could feel it.
    “H…hi, Rico,” she said quickly, trying to hide her confusing.  “I didn’t expect to see you.”
    “Oh?”  He cocked an eyebrow.  “Didn’t I tell you I’d come to get you at seven?”
    “Yes, but…oh, never mind.”  She got in and found herself a seat three or four spaces away from her host.  As the chauffeur closed the door she looked around and the word that came to mind was ‘posh’.  She’d been inside limousines before but none like this one.  It came with a lighted bar which was well stocked with a variety of drinks and glasses of every shape and size.  Light ran along the floor beneath her feet, up the walls and along the top.  A huge TV screen covered the back wall and speakers lined the sides.  The car looked like a ritzy party place.
    Realizing she was staring she turned her eyes to Rico.  “So,” she said, deliberately adopting a serene tone, “where are we going?”  Her heart was racing like she’d just finished a run but Rico didn’t have to know that.
    “You’ll see when we get there,” he said and gave her a satisfied grin.
    She smiled demurely at him then looked away, pretending to admire the view outside the window.  So he’d decided to be mysterious.  No matter.  She would know their destination soon enough.  Right now her biggest worry was finding something to talk about.  She was trapped in this car with a man to whom she was extremely attracted but who she had to keep at a distance.  No matter that her mouth had gone dry at the sight of him, she had to remember that he was a client.
    “Would you like a drink?” he asked as he watched her through half-closed eyes.
    “Yes, thank you.”  Her reply was quick, breathless, as she jumped at the chance for something to occupy her hands and her thoughts, anything to keep her from focusing on his closeness - the woodsy fragrance of his cologne, his strong and handsome profile when she viewed him from the side, the way the fine hairs on her forearm rose up each time he moved near.  “White wine would be lovely.”
    When he poured a glass and handed it to her she took it almost too eagerly.  She had to force herself to wait before lifting the drink to her lips.  She was a bundle of tingling nerves and she needed to regain control.
    The first sip helped.  She released the breath she’d been holding

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