To Mate an Assassin: The Lost Alphars Series, Book 1
myself but first I would like to speak to the Alphar.”
    Kerrick guided Aaron in a new direction, heading for the large windows that overlooked the front lawn. He needed a shortcut to the entrance and a good line of sight to see the damage the woman had wrought. Also, how many people she had with her because no matter how inexperienced, Kerrick had trouble believing one woman could defeat his entire outlying guard.
    “I am the Alphar. Be very careful what you do with my men, for if it is anything I think even the slightest bit combative or threatening, I will rip your throat out with my teeth.”
    “Oh, I am quite scared. Right, Matthew? Doesn’t that tone just make you shiver in your generic military boots?” Kerrick heard incoherent mumbling through the speaker as they finally made it to the front windows. The lawn was the size of a football field with an iron gate surrounding the property. The checkpoint to enter the compound was dead ahead and the eight guards he had stationed around the entrance were strewn about the lawn, either unconscious or dead. An Alphar’s fury ignited in his heart and roared a Lion’s cry across the property.
    “Alphar. There.” Aaron pointed to the roof of the front gate security house. A woman, a small woman with short, curly brown hair all dressed in black, stood with her arm around a kneeling guard. It wasn’t an outwardly threatening position. From far away they looked like buddies hanging out with one another, her hand holding the phone was waving in the air.
    “Greetings,” she said as she brought the phone back to her ear. “Come chat with me, Alphar. I do not think your underqualified guards need to be a part of this discussion, do you?”
    Aaron placed a hand on Kerrick’s shoulder. “Let me go first.”
    “No.” Something inside Kerrick whispered he needed to go, needed to see this woman. “I’m going. Secure the vulnerable in case she brought reinforcements.” Kerrick nodded at Aaron and took a flying leap from the window, landing on the soft lawn swiftly and sure footed. Aaron could have handled this one woman, but in the mood Kerrick was in, he was all too happy to take this on himself.
    “My lady,” he called out to her, bowing as he walked with a sharp-tooth grin. The crazy bitch wanted to play games? He’d play right along with her. “Welcome to my home.”
    Kerrick’s rage-hazed vision skewed her face, leaving him unable to focus and reliant on his other senses. He could vaguely see what was probably a nasty grin as she let Matthew the guard go by shoving him off the roof. Kerrick watched as Matthew dexterously rolled to a stand, pointing his spare weapon at the woman. Kerrick held his hand up to stay the soldier. He wanted to deal with the woman himself.
    The crazy lady gracefully hopped off the roof and walked toward him, a small smile adorning her face. One filled with her very own sharp teeth. “Thank you, Alphar. Although I must say your hospitality is a tad lacking.”
    Large, golden-ringed eyes came into focus, and as they closed the distance they both slowed. Her smile slipped from her face and his determination to annihilate her as a threat ebbed, replaced with a new and all-encompassing knowing blossoming in his heart.
    “I am—I am the Incendiary,” she stumbled, coming to a halt and pressing a curled hand to her chest. She clutched her black T-shirt, staring at him with wide, angry eyes, her breath heaving.
    “What are you doing to me?” Her voice was a rasp.
    The Beast within Kerrick, the endless well of power that represented his Alphar nature, roared in joyous triumph. One word rang like bells in his head and his heart, echoing to the very depths of his soul. No. It couldn’t be. He couldn’t be so lucky to have found her.
    They were less than a foot away from each other now and Kerrick couldn’t stop himself as his hand reached out to cup her cheek. She jerked but melted into him once their skins met. She was petite and pale. Her

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