To Be Grand Maestro (Book 5)

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Book: Read To Be Grand Maestro (Book 5) for Free Online
Authors: John Buttrick
passenger in a ruined body that did not respond to her wishes, but could only do what the caster of the spell demanded of it.
    Who would ever believe a person could start a new life at one hundred twenty-one years of age? Against all odds she now had that new life and as of several moments ago a new horror threatened take it away, This is unacceptable, she spoke inwardly, not wanting to add to the growing fear permeating the room. There must be some other explanation, she told herself.
    Not even the incredibly powerful harmonic waves washing through the world, ripples that had come to a sudden stop at the exact moment the Maestro’s presence vanished, had interrupted the healings taking place, but this new horror brought all activity to a standstill. No wonder I am remembering the unpleasantness of the past, Jennel thought as she quickly brought her emotions under control. He cannot be dead, she told herself, refusing to accept the possibility.
    “I can’t feel the Maestro’s presence,” Balic Cassosoon Kon was the first to give voice to what everyone who had been restored from Condemnation knew; the one who brought them back from a living death might well be dead. Bali had almond-shaped eyes and dark silky hair like most of the people born in the kingdom of Zune. Those eyes were as wide open as they could be.
    Jennel pointed to the Sentinel whose entire right arm appeared to have been cooked like a roasted beef. “You have a patient. Heal him first and worry about our Maestro afterward. That goes for all of you,” she spoke firmly, especially since each healer was staring at her instead of doing their jobs. Bali, being a former Aloe Practitioner, should have known better than to stop in the middle of a healing.
    Beside her stood Beta Curran, a fellow former Aakademned whose long brown hair was pulled back ponytail-style, and who had light blue eyes that sometimes appeared to be gray, depending on the lighting. She was discovered as a Potential at thirteen years of age by Accomplisheds of the Serpent Guild and later Condemned by Balen Tamm after being labeled, “Uncooperative.” She spent forty years in that condition and was finally restored about the same time as Jennel. The fifty-three year-old possessed a sturdy frame, was in perfect physical condition, and appeared to be about ten years younger than her actual age, both a side effect of being restored from Condemnation. Beta commanded two lightning bolts of life force energy. The Talented was on her way to mastering that potential and not far from being elevated to Accomplished. She volunteered to help, and expressed the desire to continue on as a healer after graduating, which was why she was now working with Jennel, and no doubt experiencing the same fear.
    Jennel went to work on her own patient, a Four-bolt Accomplished of the Zephyr Guild, Rondara Kapes. Her black silky hair was matted and caked with blood and her eyeballs punctured as if by shards of glass. The scarlet on black silks of the Senior Cyclone were riddle with holes and covered with blood from collar to knee. Jennel could do nothing for the Maestro at the moment, but healing this person was well within her skill set.
    “Beta, watch what I do,” Jennel called the would-be healer’s attention to the matter at hand. She parted the scarlet on black silk blouse covering the Accomplished’s lower abdominal region using the spell, Beak Strike, taught to her by First Accomplished Leah Barryn, second in command of the Atlantan Guild. Jennel had come to prefer this over a scalpel made of solidified air used by her former associates in the Aloe Guild. The tiny razor sharp fuchsia-colored beak vanished as she released the potential and placed her right hand on the patient’s forehead and the left on the abdomen with her palm covering the navel. “I am about to cast the spell, How Do You Feel, allowing the Symphonic to play in my mind, thus summoning the potential. I will then focus the life force

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