Tiny Dragons 1: The Sky Dragons

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Book: Read Tiny Dragons 1: The Sky Dragons for Free Online
Authors: Bernard Schaffer
something black with a long tail and wings coming down through a bundle of clouds.  It almost looked like a bat, but no bat could fly that high.  In fact, it almost looked like a…"That's impossible," James whispered. 
    Mister Six saw the shape and let out a sudden, screeching yowl that made Prospero and Herman both clutch one another in surprise.  Mister Six took off running and leapt for the nearest tree, landing momentarily on the trunk like a jaguar, then sprang off it toward the heads of the two men with his claws extended.  Mister Six landed on Herman's shoulder, growling ferociously and scratching every piece of exposed skin he could reach.  The sorcerer screamed in terror at the cat's sudden attack, shouting, "Herman, protect me from that thing!" 
    James was so astounded he almost did not look up in time to see his little sister come fluttering down to the ground, sitting atop what appeared to be a small black dragon with stars on its wings. 
    It would have been less amazing to James if she had landed in a spaceship driven by aliens wearing cowboy hats, but there she was, little Alana, holding tightly onto the back of a not-so-mythical beast.   
    Prospero's head popped up from the cat attack and he bellowed, "There it is!  Get the net, Herman!  Get the net!"
    Herman clenched Mister Six by the sides and hurled him as far as he could.  The cat went soaring through the air like a flying squirrel into a thick tangle of bushes and weeds.  Herman's face was covered in fresh red scratches that stung but he ignored them as he reached down inside his shirt and pulled out what looked like a heavy, hand-stitched softball.  Herman charged out of the woods with the ball over his shoulder like a shot putter, ready to throw it as hard as he could at Alana and Star. 
    James came racing out of the woods flapping his arms in the air, shouting, "Look out!  Look out!  Get out of the way!"
    Star turned around to see James running at them from one direction and Herman from the other and then he saw the object in Herman's hand and he realized what was about to happen.  "You have to get off of me, Alana, right now," Star said. 
    Alana pulled on Star's wings, trying to get him to take off again, "Let's go, get us out of here!  We have to leave!"
    "There isn't time," Star said, watching Herman run closer and closer.  James was doing everything he could to outrun the fat man, trying to reach them first, but there wasn't enough time.  Star looked back at Alana and said, "Everything will be fine if you just get down."
    "Do you promise?" Alana said quickly.
    "I promise."
    Alana slid down and said, "Now what?" 
    "Stay there," Star said.  He ran forward and leapt into the air directly in front of Herman, flapping his wings so that he hovered in front of Alana, protecting her.  Herman looked up at the dragon with a stupefied expression, unable to believe it was just offering itself to him.
    "Use the net!" Prospero cried out.
    Herman threw the ball as hard as he could at Star's exposed belly and there was a sudden explosion of white smoke and a loud pop!   
    Al ana screamed as Star fell through the cloud, his wings and snout and all four of his legs bound tight in what looked like a fisherman's net.  Star collided with the ground hard enough to make a loud thud and both Herman and the sorcerer jumped and whooped and shouted with victory.
    Alana ran toward Star, screaming that she would get him free and that nobody would hurt him, and this brave little girl very well may have fought them off but her big brother grabbed her in mid-stride and threw her over his shoulder, carrying her as fast and as far as he could, until she was safe.   

Chapte r Six: The Mysterious Mister Six
    Alana pounded her brother on the back as he ran, yelling at him to put her down.  She could see the horrible sorcerer and his fat, stupid assistant struggling to pick Star up.  The dragon was small, but still heavy enough that they grunted

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