Ticket 1207

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Book: Read Ticket 1207 for Free Online
Authors: Robin Alexander
earth is love, and, child, you don’t love yoself very much. Ol’ Theo knows how to read a person. Someone laid you low, and you believe what they said. Do you use women?”
    Jill’s brow furrowed as she met Theo’s gaze. “No.”
    “Have you ever hit one?”
    “No, not anyone.”
    “Have you ever cheated on a woman?”
    “Do you take advantage of them for money or things they can provide?”
    “I’m way too proud for that.”
    Theo nodded as she held Jill’s gaze. “What’s your greatest sin when it comes to loving someone else?”
    “I don’t…I don’t know. I can be impatient. I can be jealous, judgmental.” Jill sighed. “Sometimes when things make me angry, I don’t admit it. Over time, it builds, and I kinda…explode. I really hate clutter, there’s no excuse for it. Just put things back where you got them. Farting turns me off. You know those stickers on tomatoes? I really hate to find them on the counter. I don’t like shoes being left in the living room. I trip over them, and that makes me mad. I—”
    “How long is this list?”
    Jill shrugged. “I could go on for a while.”
    “You’re human and good. The person or people that made you feel low are the ones with the problem.”
    Jill looked away and nodded.
    “Why can’t you believe that?” Theo asked gently.
    “It’s taken me a while, but I do.” Jill shrugged. “Old habits, I guess. I think my issue is I’m afraid to hope. It’s safer not to believe in anything.”
    “You change that today, fool. You the one mucking up all yo blessings today by being afraid of yesterday.” Theo poked her on the shoulder. “You know you special, act on it. Now what you want?”
    “I wanna fall in love,” Jill mumbled.
    “I done told you that ticket—”
    “You saw Shawn’s claim ticket, and you saw her in the store.”
    Theo folded her arms. “You can think that if you want to, but wouldn’t you rather believe that she is yo heart’s desire?”
    Jill snorted. “Have you seen her? Hell yeah, I’d like to believe that.”
    “Then do it. Have a seat. Ol’ Theo’s gonna work on you.”
    Jill sank down with a sigh and watched as Theo pulled a small tin from beneath the couch. “What is that?”
    “Special powder to enhance the spell.”
    “What’s in it?” Jill asked warily.
    Theo sat back on her haunches. “To tell you the truth, I have no idea. It was here when I moved in. Power of suggestion, right?”
    Jill’s brow shot up. “Do not put that on me.”
    Theo blew out an explosive breath. “Give me a minute to mix up the real deal.”
    Shawn waited until after the lunch hour, then dialed the number to the jewelry shop. She closed her eyes and leaned her forehead against the wall of her office as she waited for an answer. “Searcy Jewelers, this is Rene, how may I help you?”
    “Hi, Rene, this is Shawn, is Jill available?”
    “Your watch isn’t ready. I know this because the part for it arrived this morning, and it wasn’t the right one. Jill called our supplier, and a vein stood out in her forehead while she talked to someone. It wasn’t pretty.”
    Shawn licked her lips. “Thanks for the update, but if Jill is available, I’d like to speak to her for a moment.”
    “She is, let me put you on hold for a sec.”
    “I am a confident woman,” Shawn chanted while she waited for Jill to pick up. The more she said it, the stronger she felt it. She was practically yelling when Jill picked up the line. “I am a con—hey, Jill.”
    “Hey, how’re you today?”
    “Good. Real good.”
    “Did Rene tell you what happened with the crystal I ordered?”
    “She did. Jill, you know what?”
    Jill sounded a tad hesitant when she asked, “What?”
    “The Christmas lights in the Quarter are really pretty at night, even for someone who doesn’t like this holiday.” Shawn began to pace. “The carriages are the perfect way to see them. You should join me—tonight. I’ll bring a blanket, you’ll

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