something interesting. A drink vendor was making his way in their direction and Rita found herself hoping they had plain old bottled water or fizz along with the alcohol. Hydration would be good, and Drax, injured, must need it more than she did.
    She turned to him, clutching his arm. “How are you holding up? I barely managed that run, and you were bleeding and begging for pain blockers not long ago.”
    “And last night they’d left me to bleed to death. Banjali heal fast. We have to or we wouldn’t make it out of childhood.” She thought for a minute about how often children fell down while learning to walk or hurt themselves by doing something daredevil and stupid. Multiply that by about a thousand for children who needed to learn to fly as well as walk.
    She nodded. “I hadn’t thought about it before, but it makes sense.”
    He stretched, bringing the opening of the trench coat perilously high. “I’m pushing it, though. And I’d kill for water.”
    Luckily that was the moment the Irashi drink vendor approached them—and he had bottled water. Rita handed over her credit chit and got five bottles of water and one intriguing-looking local fizz based on some kind of fruit she’d never heard of. “Not bad,” she proclaimed after the first sip. “Kind of butterscotchy melon. A little too sweet, though.” The aftertaste hit, salty and sour, almost pickled. She made a face and struggled not to spit it out.
    Before she could, though, the flavors blended in her mouth, the ultra-sweet and the tart balancing to something delicious. “How did they do that?” She grinned and tried another sip, then another.
    Finally, it occurred to her to offer some to Drax. “Be patient,” she warned. “The first sip’s weird, but then it’s really good.”
    Obedient, he tried one sip, made an alarmed face, then smiled as the flavors settled down.
    She gave up trying to get the bottle back after a little bit, figuring that he must need the bit of salt after his ordeal. Water would have to do.
    As she drank, she scanned the crowd, looking for signs of their pursuers. Mostly what she saw was giggling tourists and snuggling San’balese. With all their limbs wrapped around each other, a snuggling San’balese couple was a fascinating sight in a circus-acrobat way. Everywhere she turned, couples were kissing passionately, or swaying to the music in each other’s arms.
    And even in broad daylight, not everyone was restricting their fun to smooching and swaying. “Look at that!” Drax said, nudging Rita and pointing out a San’balese couple who seemed extra-intertwined. “I imagine that’s something you don’t usually see out in public.”
    She took a stealthy look, then decided that, since the couple was right in the middle of the festival square doing something that involved both their shirts being unbuttoned and a lot more stripy flesh than the norm being exposed, they must have an exhibitionist streak and wouldn’t mind her staring. And she had no problem with watching if people felt like putting on a show.
    “The phrase ‘his hands went everywhere’ seems to apply,” she said drily. “Only his really can. Lucky girl. No waiting.”
    Entirely enthralled by each other, bare chests pressed together, the couple was kissing like there was no tomorrow. All four of the male’s hands were busy, running over the broad curve of the female’s back and her wide, round hips, up under her short, ruffled green and purple skirt. Both sexes wore skirts on this planet, pants for the four-legged apparently being a design challenge, and Rita couldn’t tell what two of the female’s hands were doing under the guy’s skirt. One was obvious, but the other…well, if the San’balese girl could do that from that angle, Rita was impressed with her flexibility.
    It was sexier to watch than Rita would have imagined. Stripy and extra-limbed or not, the San’balese guy was well built, with a muscular chest. His partner was pretty, with

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