Three the Hard Way

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Book: Read Three the Hard Way for Free Online
Authors: Sydney Croft
out for the wolves.”
    So much rage and hatred burned in Tag’s eyes that, for a moment, Ian was sure he was a dead man. How could Tag trust Justice but not him? Granted, Ian had lied to Tag for six months, but he’d also told the truth. He’d fallen in love with him, and that had never been a lie. Justice, on the other hand, had trashed not only their love, but over twenty years of history between them.
    No doubt Justice had his own side of the story, but Ian didn’t give a shit about it.
    Ian held his breath as Tag looked between him and Justice. With his super speed, he could probably take down Justice before he fired his weapon, but Ian would rather the situation didn’t come to that. He was fast, but not fast enough to outrun a bullet if things went south.
    An eternity later, Tag shook his head. “I don’t know what to believe. Justice, put away the gun. If Ian’s telling the truth, he can help.” As Justice complied, Tag kicked up the bearskin rug in front of the fireplace to reveal a hidden door. “There’s a storm coming. I’m going to check out the supplies in the cellar. You two secret agency pukes can take a hike, for all I care.”
    Justice shot forward and grabbed Tag’s arm, and Ian prepared to deck the fucker. “You can’t honestly believe this asshole didn’t bring Itor.”
    “I told you,” Tag said, as he jerked out of Justice’s grip, “I don’t know what to believe.”
    Justice snorted in disgust. “You always were gullible.”
    Tag just looked sad, and Ian’s heart sank when Tag murmured, “Yeah, I was.”

Justice watched Tag disappear down the basement stairs. He slammed the hatch door behind him too, leaving no doubt that he wanted to be left the fuck alone.
    He glanced over at Ian. Guess you can’t always get what you want. “This is going to be a long-assed storm.”
    “Saw it on the radar on my way in,” Ian offered as he looked out the window. “Between the avalanche and the blizzard, we’ve bought some time before anyone can move out there.”
    “Anyone? Or Itor?” Justice asked, purposefully murdering any pretense that there could be a second of peace between them.
    “Both,” Ian shot back. “I have no idea who’s after you .”
    “After me?”
    “I know—hard to believe that anyone would want to kill a ray of sunshine like yourself, but I’m betting it’s not out of the norm.”
    Justice leveled his pistol at Ian’s broad chest again, unsure why he’d bothered to put the weapon away when Tag told him to. He’d seen a lot of Seducers in his time with ACRO—all the agencies like ACRO and Itor employed them—men and women well versed in the art of sex and communication, brainwashing and information gathering.
    A man’s defenses are down when he’s fucking—no two ways around it , was Devlin’s favorite saying, and sometimes he didn’t mean it in a bad way. Not when he was lecturing Seducers. Ian definitely would’ve had a thriving career as one of them—he was about Justice’s height, broad and built, handsome in a way that screamed sexy. Although Justice wouldn’t have gotten gay or bi off him, that was the point: Seducers were tri-sexual—they’d try anything. And in Justice’s eyes, that wasn’t a compliment.
    “How long’ve you been a Seducer?”
    “How long have you been a judgmental prick?” Ian smiled pleasantly.
    “Long time now,” Justice said easily. “So I’m guessing, long enough that maybe your dick’s ready to fall off?”
    “You’re worried about my dick now, Justice? That’s sweet of you.”
    Jesus, he didn’t want to think about Ian’s dick or Ian’s dick anywhere near Tag’s dick or ass or mouth, where it’d no doubt been constantly when they were together. Tag’s sexual appetites ran toward the insatiable side, something that he’d definitely welcomed.
    Justice took a breath and started. “I’m worried about Tag, same as always. And I can’t believe he trusted you. That he still trusts you.” So much

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