This Man Confessed
and the balling of his fists by his side.
    I place my hand on his arm and he flinches, too focused on Dan to realize it’s me. As soon as he does, though, he breaks the glowering deadlock and turns his eyes to mine. They soften immediately.
    “Let’s go,” I say quietly, sliding my hand down his arm to grasp his.
    He nods and turns with me, not giving Dan another look. I’m grateful. Dan’s not in a good place, and I know how tenacious he can be when he’s on the defense.
    “Give me your hand,” Jesse orders, reaching down as we head for The Manor. I let him take it and recuff me. “Don’t ask me to remove them again.”
    “I won’t,” I grumble. I wish he’d never released me in the first place. Then I might not be seething with Dan’s obvious issue with Kate and his inquisitiveness with regards to Jesse’s issue . “Throw away the key.”
    His eyebrows raise. “Wishing you’d stayed nailed to me?”
    “Yes,” I admit. “Don’t free me again.”
    “Okay,” he agrees. “Would you like a drink?”
    We continue toward the house, recuffed and reunited. “I’d love a drink.” I’ve hardly touched a drop all day, and I’m a little surprised that he’s offered.
    “Come on.” He pulls me in and kisses my forehead. “I won’t stand for it, Ava. Even if he is your brother.”
    “I know,” I agree quietly. I’m surprised by his self-control. It doesn’t matter to Jesse who he eliminates, and Dan has not helped his cause. He’s just tried to restrain me, the worst thing he could do. I don’t want my husband and brother to battle, but I know Jesse would never back down when it comes to me, and Dan would never lose face.
    This is an issue.
    The evening guests have arrived, and as we make our way through the bar, we’re accosted, kissed, and wished well with every step we take. I’m finally placed on my stool and handed a glass of water. Water? I look at the clear glass and back to Jesse, who is doing a damn fine job of ignoring my obvious disbelief.
    Tessa comes steaming over, looking as wound up as poor Mum. “Where have you been?” she asks incredulously, flicking her eyes from me to Jesse. “You were supposed to cut the cake!”
    Jesse opens a bottle of water and takes a long swig, not in the least bit perturbed by Tessa’s concern. “It’s fine.”
    Tessa shakes her head in disbelief and stomps off toward the entrance hall. “Don’t you want to cut the cake?” I ask, my wrist being lifted as Jesse secures the lid on his water bottle. “Kate went out of her way to make it at such short notice.”
    He reaches forward and straightens my diamond. “Then let’s not ruin it.”
    “You’re impossible.” I sigh, glancing across the bar, spotting Sam and Drew entertaining my dad, who’s looking a little rosy cheeked. My mum is reveling in the attention, undoubtedly offering tours of the grounds, and Kate is looking drunk. Tom flaps a limp wrist at me, Victoria gives a girly wave, and poor Sal just looks like she’s trying to fit in. She’s still sparkling, but her new fellow isn’t here. I smile and turn my attention back to Jesse, just as Tessa storms back into the bar.
    “Okay, I’ve spoken to Elizabeth,” Tessa huffs. “We’re cutting the cake and having the first dance shortly, so don’t disappear again.” She storms off. She’s definitely regretting taking this job.
    “You okay, baby?” His warm palm slides across my cheek.
    “Yes, fine,” I answer, but I’m not. I’ve fallen out with my brother, and that has absolutely never happened.
    “You don’t look fine. I said I wanted you to enjoy today.”
    I inwardly laugh. Then he should let me have a drink and he shouldn’t have broached the subject that has my brain the most twisted at the moment. “I’m fine.” I sigh, taking a long sip of my water. Fucking water.
    Patrick and Irene approach, my cuddly bear of a boss brandishing a huge ivory gift bag, his wife adorned in a mass of animal-print material. I

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