This Battle Lord's Quest

Read This Battle Lord's Quest for Free Online Page A

Book: Read This Battle Lord's Quest for Free Online
Authors: Linda Mooney
Tags: Science-Fiction, adventure, Romance, futuristic, post apocalyptic, Erotic, swords, mutants, sensuous
to do with the low stores for the winter.” He gave her a wink, then
hurried off. She took off for the opposite end of the compound where Yulen had
ordered a series of storage bins built at the southeast corner of the new
    The bins were Batuset’s suggestion. Several of his
Mutah residents had brought the idea to the Battle Lord of Foster City, who had
incorporated the idea by having several built the year before, to help store
supplies for the winter. It was a simple design, but Batuset swore the
structures allowed him to stretch their foodstuffs for a longer period of time.
This would be the first winter they would try them in Alta Novis, but if Yulen
was already worried about the lack of supplies, then the purpose of having the
bins in the first place would be obsolete.
    She slowed as she reached the first of the conical
structures. There was no sign of him after quick look around.
    “Number three,” he called from somewhere ahead of
    Atty hurried around the bin until she found the
door. Above it was the painted number four. Left or right?
    He laughed. “This way!”
    The bins weren’t lined up, but clustered in a
corner between the new compound wall and where the old outer wall stood. She
didn’t understand the reasoning behind that decision, but figured it wasn’t
worth puzzling over.
    “Did you know this place is like a maze?” she
laughed, following the wide path between the bins. “You really ought to think
about having them painted different colors to tell them apart. Or maybe have
their numbers placed at the top where they’re easier to re—”
    An arm reached out in front of her, grabbed her by
her tunic, and dragged her inside. Warm lips clamped down over hers as somewhere
in the distance she heard the door close behind them, plunging the interior
into darkness. He pressed her against the inner wall and rubbed himself up and
down her trembling body. The bulge of his erection slid teasingly into the
depression between her thighs, and she could feel herself growing wetter.
    She was defenseless against his assault as he
claimed her mouth before claiming her body. Warm, calloused hands restlessly
roamed over her, pausing once to cup her breasts and playfully squeeze them
before taking her face between his palms to deepen the kiss. He only broke away
long enough to jerk her blouse over her head and guide her down onto the pile
of hay covering the dirt floor.
    “Just sitting beside you played havoc with my
concentration,” he muttered against her hair. “All I could think about was
having you, taking you, loving you.”
    She felt him unbutton her pants. His hands were
shaking in anticipation. “Here. I gotta take my boots off first,” she
    Yulen chuckled and worked on removing his own boots
and pants. It didn’t take her long to stretch out on her back and reach out for
    He buried his face in her belly to nuzzle and lick
the skin that reacted to the coolness within the bin. She shuddered slightly.
    “Warm me up.”
    He lifted her knees and crawled between her legs,
draping himself over her while keeping his weight on his arms and knees. Atty
reached down between them and grasped his hard length.
    “Don’t make us wait,” she pleaded.
    His response was to press into her, filling her until
she felt ready to explode. She could hear his raspy breathing as he began to
move in and out of her, coating himself with her cream before the onslaught.
    And it would be an onslaught. There was no time for
extended love play. They were starving for each other, and at any moment
someone might come pounding on the bin’s door because one of them might have
been seen entering the silo.
    Yulen dipped his face into the crook of her neck. Atty
could smell his sweat and the unique musk that was him. Grabbing his shoulders,
she dug her nails into his tunic just as he started to pound into her. It was
hard and fast, giving her no chance to

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