Thin Blood Thick Water (Clueless Resolutions Book 2)

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Book: Read Thin Blood Thick Water (Clueless Resolutions Book 2) for Free Online
Authors: W B Garalt
entrance.  She went to the entrance door and found it was locked.  “Open 2:00 PM- 10:00 PM Fri- Sat-Sun.” was decaled on the tinted glass.
    “Shit!” she exclaimed, as she looked at her watch which indicated 12:10.  At that point she noticed interior lights and someone walking by the host/ hostess station.  She took off her right ankle boot and banged on the door.  After a few minutes a maître-de type of middle-aged man appeared. He partially pushed open the locked glass door with the emergency bar.
    “I’m sorry Madame, we do not open until 2:00 PM,” he said, pointing to the lettering on the door.  Maggie was not easily persuaded, she had been through this before.
    “My boss is flying in on the river in about twenty minutes.  He has allotted forty minutes for a stopover and put me in charge of arranging lunch at the best restaurant in the area,” she said, acting like a nervous assistant. “He’s a big-wig ‘security service’ guy, and he’s on a priority assignment,” she said, making finger quotes in the air. “And he’s a stickler for punctuality.  If I don’t set it up right, I don’t know….”  Maggie’s voice trailed off as she showed a pitiful, pleading look.
    The manager hesitated.  Maggie sensed an opening and went for the close;
    “I know he’ll be really grateful if you can accommodate him,” she quickly added.
    After a few seconds, the man relented, probably expecting a sizable tip.
    “He’s with what agency...?” he asked.
    Maggie held a finger to her lips. “I can’t say anymore,” she said softly.
    “Ok miss, go around the side to the riverside deck.  I’ll let you in that way in about ten minutes,” he stated, with a bothered look indicated by his knitted brow.  He let the door close, turned on his heel and strode back into the darkened foyer.
    So far, so good. Maggie thought to herself, At least we should have some privacy.   Maggie dialed Max’s cell phone to find out where he was.
    “I just touched down,” he said. “I’m pulling up to a dock just up the road.”
    “Great.  I’ll drive over and pick you up,” Maggie replied.
    An attendant was tying the seaplane to the dock post as Maggie walked over to greet Max.
    After a hello kiss and hug the two walked, on a wide flagstone path, down-stream toward the old inn.  They went around to the deck entrance as Maggie had arranged and the manager came out to meet them. He wore a black bow tie and carried two white-linen placemats over one arm.
    “Good day, sir,” he addressed to Max. My name is Sven; I am the manager here at ‘The Toll Bridge Inn.’ I can seat you here on deck, or inside if you like.”
    “Outside will be fine,” Max said, pleased with all the attention.
    “We are pleased to serve you prior to dining hours. Your extremely efficient assistant here explained the situation,” he said. “I’ll bring the martinis and a quick-lunch menu.”
    Max gave a curious look to Maggie. She squeezed his arm and answered for him before he could respond.
    “I explained how you agreed to accommodate us, thank you so much, Sven,” Maggie said.  She then led Max to a table beside the door, shaded from the bright sun and out of sight from the curious kitchen crew looking out at them.
    Max could sense that something had taken place between the manager and Maggie and waited for the manager to get beyond earshot to ask what was going on.  Maggie told him about how she had convinced him into serving food before opening hours.  With a huge grin Max listened to her describe how she hinted with feigned secrecy about his ‘important stature’, and how the manager took the bait.
    “You are something else!” Max said. “So I have to act like some upper-echelon Secret Service official all impressed with my own importance, hey?”
    “Right, just act yourself!” Maggie quipped with a smirk.  Max laughed, probably too loudly, but he couldn’t stifle it.
    After they finished lunch, Max and Maggie

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