Thief of Mine

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Book: Read Thief of Mine for Free Online
Authors: Amarinda Jones
Tags: Fiction, Erótica
at his words. Her unladylike snort was enough to
tell him she needed to hear more. “The idol’s not mine and it’s not theirs.”
    “So essentially it belongs to history and you all have your
sticky paws on it.” What was that time old saying? No honor among thieves? It
appeared to be correct. One thief would steal from another to get something for
profit. Stella didn’t doubt for a moment this idol was worth money. “So,
Camille and her mates want it, you have it and they are obviously prepared to
kill for it.”
    “Camille won’t kill me. Maim me perhaps.”
    “Well, how comforting to know that,” Stella murmured cynically.
Who were these people? Who was Kit that he would accept this woman would try
and attack him but not kill him? That was not normal. There were people she
loathed but she didn’t consider attacking, though God knows some of them
deserved it. “So what’s the story with the redhead?” Stella looked at Kit. He
was mad if he thought she would accept some half finished explanation from him.
    Kit sighed. He did not want to get Stella any more involved
in this than he had but he knew she wasn’t going to leave it alone.
    “I may have seduced her to get idol.”
    “May have?” Stella arched her eyebrows at him cynically. “Is
this similar to how you seduced me to have sex with you?” Though, to be fair,
Stella could not blame him entirely. She had to acknowledge it hadn’t taken
much to seduce her.
    “You wanted me, princess.” Kit knew that. There were some
people who were just meant to be together. “Don’t be getting all prissy about
it now.” Kit turned and smiled a knowing smile at her.
    “I’m not prissy, and wanting is beside the point.” What
was the point again? That smile of his threw her completely. It was an
invitation to have excellent sex. Stella crossed her legs tightly as she
felt a surge of warmth shoot into her pussy. Now was not the time for any sort
of sex…maybe later but not now. Stella shook her head. What the hell was she
thinking? Sex with him again? Was she mad? Possibly.
    “This Camille woman is out for vengeance. Haven’t you heard
about the woman scorned bit?”
    “That idol is worth a great deal of money to the right
people,” Kit told her. “And money and women are two fatal attractions for me.”
    Oh, again that smile. The man could make the most devoted
spinster fling up her skirt and beg for him to slide on inside.
    “Don’t try that charming crap on me. I’m not falling for it
again.” Her words sounded tough. Could she live up to them?
    “Sure, sure…” Kit murmured not believing Stella for a
moment. She was hooked just as he was and they would both fall for whatever the
other offered.
    Stella narrowed her eyes sharply at him. Now he was just
making her cranky with his smart ass “I know better” attitude.
    “Where are we going?” She looked outside the car as it sped
along Gympie Road. Where were they? She could see the Brisbane city lights way
up ahead but Stella had no idea where Kit was heading to.
    “I have to get the idol.” Kit needed to push forward his
plans for the idol.
    “To give it back to the rightful owner?” That seemed to make
sense to her. Then Kit wouldn’t have a strange woman chasing him and Stella
could go home and put on some underwear.
    “No, to sell it.” Kit heard Stella’s incredulous intake of
breath. “And don’t worry, I’m fairly sure we’re not being followed. I’ve
covered my tracks.” Well, in truth, Kit hoped he had. He was after all dealing
with fanatics who were capable of almost anything.
    “If they found you at the wedding then clearly you’re not
much good at covering your tracks, are you?” At least there were no more
explosions and that was a good thing as far as Stella was concerned. She wanted
to have a look at this idol thing. What was so special about it that everyone
wanted it?
    “I need your help, princess.”
    “To save your ass?” That much was

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