There Comes A Prophet

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Book: Read There Comes A Prophet for Free Online
Authors: David Litwack
Tags: Science-Fiction
decorating their homes.
    It was common for the elders to delegate the awarding of prizes to someone close to the winner-a parent or, for the older ones, a betrothed. When Orah was to receive her due, elder William Rush called on his son. Nathaniel looked at him questioningly, but his father just smiled, offered the three wreaths and gestured toward Orah.
    Everyone knew Thomas had been away a long time, longer than the usual teaching. And they knew Nathaniel and Orah were his closest friends. So as Nathaniel placed the wreaths on Orah's head so gently he moved not a hair, there were murmurs of approval.
    But Nathaniel had forgotten the last part of the tradition. At the end, male presenters were expected to kiss a female winner, twice on each check. The crowd, however, had a better memory and urged him on. Nathaniel took on a look that said he wished he were elsewhere, but in response to the crowd, he rested a hand on Orah's arm and leaned in to brush each of her cheeks with his lips. She laughed and rolled her eyes, but her olive skin failed to hide the flush that added crimson to the color of the flowers.
    By the time twilight came, Nathaniel was ready for the feast. Races had been run, and happy winners sported wreaths on their heads. Food and drink were spread out on every surface, from the railings of the commons to the Temple altar. All that was needed was the lighting of the bonfire and festival tree.
    A spruce tree had been set up in the village square, with candles attached to each branch waiting to be lit for festival. Would the vicar disapprove of this tradition as he had disapproved of wassail? Perhaps. But no vicar ever joined them for festival, and no villager ever discussed it with them. What was unseen and unspoken was allowed.
    The lighting of the tree started at the top. This year, Nathaniel was chosen to help. He planted himself at the base of the tree, while strong arms hoisted a nimble ten-year-old onto his shoulders-a role filled by Thomas at a similar age. The boy paused to balance and then straightened. A pole was passed up to him with a burning candle attached. He kindled the topmost candle and then worked his way down. Once the top third was ablaze, the boy vaulted to the ground and many hands lit the rest.
    Everyone stared as the tree chased away twilight. Then Elder Robert took a piece of kindling and held it in a flame until the tip caught. Amidst an air of expectation, he tossed it into the bonfire stack. Within seconds the dry wood was engulfed, and the flames rose higher than the festival tree.
    A cheer went up. Most stayed transfixed as the flames spread but a few headed for the food. As they did so, they froze in place. A hush rolled across the crowd, until every head had turned. Nathaniel stretched to see what was happening.
    There at the edge of the light stood Thomas, like a part of the shadows.
    What had they done to him? His skin was pale, his cheeks so hollowed that his face showed no sentiment save exhaustion.
    Adults recalling other teachings hesitated to approach. Children caught the fear from their parents. Nathaniel was stunned. But Orah rushed toward him.
    "Thomas, you've returned to brighten our festival. What a gift."
    She reached out to touch him, but he recoiled.
    "A drink." His voice was rasping as if it hadn't been used for days. "May I have a drink?"
    Someone in the crowd gave him a cup. His hands shook so much that liquid spilled on his soiled tunic. After two gulps, he glanced at the festival tree and began to well up.
    Nathaniel moved, forcing his way through the crowd and wishing for the old Thomas, denying the image his eyes presented.
    "Have you been to Temple City? Did you see it?"
    Thomas growled like an offended stranger. "I saw nothing but darkness."
    Two elders stepped forward and placed restraining hands on Orah and Nathaniel.
    "He'll need time," elder Robert said. "Give him a few days."
    Orah pulled away and pressed closer. "What is it, Thomas? Did they hurt

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