Their Lordships Request: A Harry Heron Adventure

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Book: Read Their Lordships Request: A Harry Heron Adventure for Free Online
Authors: Patrick G. Cox
Tags: Fiction, General, Science-Fiction, Action & Adventure
smiled and said, " Thank you, Mary. I have letters from Harry so there will be news from Ferghal too. I shall share it with your mother later. " She opened the package and carefully extracted the contents. Her husband was right. There were three letters and several sketches and she knew it would have cost Harry no small part of his meagre pay to send these. The letters were, as always, numbered, so she found the first and began to read eagerly. When she had done, she passed it to her husband, saying, " Now that the Peace is signed, it seems his ship is to be placed in reserve. Perhaps we will see him home again soon. " She opened the next and began to read, then stopped, and checked the date. " Of all the infamous things, " she exclaimed. " He has been transferred to another ship – the Spartan – and speaks of sailing for the Prison Colony at Botany Bay. "
                  " That will be an adventure for him, " remarked her husband, still immersed in Harry ' s first. Then the import struck him. " Botany Bay do you say? "
                  " The same, " his wife replied. Reading further, she exclaimed, " And Ferghal goes with him. At least we may be easy on that score, but I am told that it is a dreadful place, barren and populated with savages and creatures unlike any we know. "
                  " Well he is not going to stay there, my dear. " The Major smiled absently, " Unlike those they are no doubt escorting to that place. " He frowned, " Six months ago there were several from this County condemned as poachers and rebels to be transported. I wonder if there are any of them among those on this voyage. "
                  " If there are it is unlikely Harry will encounter them I should think. " His wife looked distressed. " Was not the Murphy boy among those condemned? "
                  " You are right! I had forgot . " The Major ' s frown deepened, " I will enquire as to his fate, but I doubt that Harry will encounter him and even if he does there is little he can – or should - do. " He accepted the letter and began to read for himself as his wife began to read the third letter.
                  Suddenly the Major exclaimed, " Of all the infamous things! There is a Raholp Barclay aboard the Spartan ! And Harry ' s senior too. He shall have to tread warily as will Ferghal. "
                  " I am sure we may trust Harry on that score, " his wife replied. " He is at least aware of the history and his Captain is from these parts and will know it too. "
                  " As you say. I know Robert Blackwood and I am sure he will permit no underhand dealing, " the Major said. " I shall write, but it will be months ere it reaches him. "
                  The winds remained strong and adverse as the convoy beat its way to the south. Biscay was avoided, as the convoy made a long tack out into the Atlantic and when it again closed the coast it was south of Cape Tourinan on the Spanish coast. Even so the winds remained perverse until the fleet reached the latitude of Cadiz and then as suddenly, eased and became gentler giving the tired crew of Spartan an opportunity to dry their clothes and make good the myriad minor defects that developed in the long slog southwards.
                  " Heron, " Harry stiffened at the hectoring tone of Eamon Barclay, " Get that traitor of yours to clean my shirts. He ' s idle and needs a taste of the rope, " he added viciously.
                  " He is our Messman, I feel sure you can instruct him yourself, " Harry replied coolly, his temper simmering at the calculated insult. " And I have no doubt that he performs his duties to everyone ' s satisfaction. "
                  Barclay laughed harshly, " Typical, always defending him. See to it my shirts get washed or it ' ll be the rigging for you my lad.

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