The Zombie Saga (Book 3): Burn The Dead: Riot

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Book: Read The Zombie Saga (Book 3): Burn The Dead: Riot for Free Online
Authors: Steven Jenkins
Tags: Zombies
can do is run and pray to God that there’s another way out, maybe through an open turnstile.
    The concourse starts to curve around as we come up to another set of steps, which lead up the stand. I contemplate trying my luck back out there; maybe the pitch entrance gates are still open. But then we’re met with more people, scrambling to get the fire exit open, and yet another swarm of Necs biting their way through the crowds.
    We barge through the screaming people as they try to move in all directions. Nothing seems real—a scene from a horror movie. From sheer force, we manage to power through the build-up until we’re able to run again.
    Behind me, I see that Ginge is still close, struggling to keep up. But Jonny and Nathan have been swallowed up by the mob. I can’t leave them, so I slow down a little. Then I spot something up ahead. A girl. She has her hands clasped onto the shoulders of a male Nec, trying to pry him off of someone.
    Is that Natalie? From the bar?
    It is her!
    And that’s her brother Curtis on the floor!
    Even though I barely know the girl, I’m drawn to help her, running purely on instinct. Rushing over to them, I slam my foot into the Nec’s temple. But it does nothing. I try again, and again until the creature rolls off Curtis. Natalie reaches down and pulls her brother up. The Nec quickly gets back onto his feet, snarling viciously through open jaws.
    Out of nowhere, Ginge appears and slams his thick shoulder into the Nec, thrusting the dead man into another one of the creatures.
    With no time to process anything, the four of us burst into a sprint. I glimpse back and see Jonny and Nathan are just behind us. They’re okay.
    “Alfie!” Jonny bellows. “Through here!”
    Turning, I see Nathan and Jonny standing by an open door. I skid to a halt and follow them through, Ginge, Natalie, and Curtis trailing behind me. The door leads into a corridor, most likely the entrance to the conference rooms and VIP suites, normally guarded by stewards.
    At the end of the small corridor, there’s another door. With no choice but to try our luck, we bolt towards it, Nathan leading the way by a few metres. He wrenches it open and charges through, disappearing out of sight. Beyond the doorway, I see a red-carpeted staircase. Just as I follow Jonny up, I stop in my tracks. Sprawled out on the steps, with a male Nec crouched over him is Nathan; the dead man’s teeth locked firmly onto his torn throat.
    “You fucking bastard!” Jonny screams as he grabs the Nec by the hair and pulls him down the stairs. I jump out of the way as the rotter tumbles down to the bottom, cracking his skull on the concrete floor. In a rage, Jonny follows it down, leaping the last four steps and lands directly on its face. Its nose splits open; his snarling teeth shatter.
    “You rotten fucking bastard!” he screams with every stomp of his foot onto the Nec’s crushed face. “You dirty fucking cunt!”
    The growls of more Necs coming from the corridor bounce off the walls. “Come on, Jonny!” I shout. “We have to go! They’re coming! Leave it!”
    He can’t hear me; he’s lost in the moment; lost to the grief.
    The barks of the Necs increase. We have to move.
    I grab Jonny by the shoulders, try to pull him away from the monster, but he won’t budge. “Let’s go!”
    Suddenly he throws an elbow into my mouth.
    “Fuck off!” he snaps as he continues to pound down on the Nec.
    I cry out in pain as my bottom lip starts to bleed.
    Out of options, and the sound of Necs getting closer, I dart up the stairs behind Ginge, Natalie and Curtis, stepping over Nathan’s twitching corpse, soon to be up and walking again.
    I hated the guy, but no one deserves that fate—not even a prick like Nathan Ross.
    At the top of the staircase, we emerge with caution onto another corridor. It’s deserted in both directions. With no escape route and no plan, our only option is to find a safe place to hide. Along the way, I see a row of red

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