were actively trying to get to know her better. But what might have been even stranger was that they seemed to be making a group effort. Once more her thoughts that they shared women came to the front, and that made any other thoughts that even touched on curiosity with them fade away to nothing.
Friday, when she was pathetically stalking Michael from the second floor while he joked around with his wolf friends and worked on various parts of his upper anatomy, making her want to see all of that anatomy up close and personal, she chewed on her lip in frustration. She didn’t want to go a whole weekend without seeing him, but was she maybe moving too fast or being desperate and clingy by asking him out? Hell, she was desperate, but did she want him to know that?
She jumped when Dante spoke into her ear, “Wolves aren’t known for being monogamous.”
She glanced at him in confusion. He shrugged. “The full moon makes them crazy. If they aren’t mated to a she-wolf they can fuck on the fly, they take the females in their packs. It’s why humans don’t stay with them, because of the cheating.”
She looked straight into Dante’s dark eyes. She remembered what she’d seen in Michael’s eyes every time she looked into them: honesty, truth, caring — all the things she wanted to see in a man’s eyes. In Dante’s eyes, she saw nothing close to that. Swirling in the depths of his eyes were anger and jealousy. She didn’t like either of those things.
“Goodbye, Dante,” she said firmly and walked down the steps to the first floor, now more determined than ever to ask Michael out.
“Hey, beautiful,” he grinned and put the bar down. “I was hoping you’d come down to see me instead of staring holes into my back from the second floor.” He wiggled his brows and gave her a pussy-melting smile.
She shrugged. “You’re cute, what can I say?”
“Cute?” Mock offense colored his features. “Bunnies are cute. Wolves are tough. Dangerous. Sexy.” His voice dropped low on the end, and it slid down her spine like a caress.
“Sorry, sorry. Mr. Tough-Dangerous-Sexy-Wolf.”
He barked out a laugh and shook his head. “You’re a trip. So I heard that there’s a holiday tomorrow.”
July 4 th was tomorrow. “No shit?”
He smirked. “No shit. Apparently, people get together on this holiday and hang out. That sound like something you’d be interested in?”
Her heart stuttered. Was he actually asking her out? She licked her lips to buy herself some time. “Sure. What did you have in mind?”
He told her about a lake in Allen where his friends gathered in the summer to swim, barbecue and hang out. There would be fireworks when it got dark. He offered to come and get her or to give her directions, and she decided the better idea would be to drive herself.
He disappeared into the locker room and came out with his bag, his cell phone in his hand. He took down her phone number and email address, promising to email the directions. He gave her a devastating grin that threatened to melt her sports bra off her body and left with his buddies. She wondered if he’d been waiting around for her to come down and talk to him? Wicked. Cool.
An hour later, she was freshly showered, wearing her psychotic bunny pajama shorts and tank and pressing the refresh button on her inbox repeatedly. “You’re going to get a muscle cramp from that,” Trav said, handing her a glass of wine.
She laughed, but it wasn’t real. She was too nervous to appreciate good sarcasm right now. Once he sent her the email, then she’d feel more confident. Right now she was feeling about as confident as a virgin on her wedding night.
Trav tried to distract her with tales of his latest obsession, the newbie firefighter, fresh out of the academy. He sounded right up Trav’s alley, and she’d probably be drooling over him too, if she didn’t have a