The Wicked Wand

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Book: Read The Wicked Wand for Free Online
Authors: Steve Shilstone
Such. Why don’t you close that door, and we’ll go visit the Edge and the Hollows and so such else? You don’t need the wand. You have the rings. Twenty-two of ‘em! That’s more than plenty! The wand is dangerous. Why for else was it locked away out here? The Babba Ja Harick could not control it. Why can you? Why was it brought here and so such hidden?”
    â€œFor me to ... bind ... find. I bound ... found it. I will take it,” I said, convincing myself to step into the room and to touch the wand, to lift it from its rest.
    The wand appeared so such to be like as a common twig with a slight elbow bend in its middle. But not a rough-barked twig, no. Polished to a blush of creamy brown, it blended smoothly with the creamy crimson velvet of the pillow. I stepped briskly into the green emerald glow and plucked it up. At once I felt it spark to life. It shivered in my hand. It trembled. I held tight. It spoke!
    â€œThank ye, thank ye, thank ye, thank ye,” it said softly in a gentle wooden hum.
    I looked at Kar. She shrugged and retreated two paces. Her eyes were round with fear. She bent at the knees in preparation to shift and flee in frightened flight. I shrugged at her and crossed my eyes and stuck out my tongue to reassure her. And myself. The wand’s power, so such seemingly barely contained, surged in my hand.
    â€œThank ye, thank ye. I be so glad to look upon ye,” said the wand, a simple stick in my hand with no eyes or mouth that I could see. “The bars and bars of eon years have taught me. I have learned my lesson to a sparkle shine of clarity. No more misbehavior. I admit it. I misbehaved. I were young. Now I be old. I were a lackwit. Now I have knowledge. It were proper for me to be sealed here away. I be good now. I be good. I be not wicked. How could I be wicked? Look at me. I be the plainest of wands ready to serve. What would ye have me to do?”
    In my hand the wand vibrated with a fierce energy.
    â€œSabeek orrun,” I said, which means ‘Practice patience’. “Calm your vi ... vi ... vi ... shaking.”
    The wand subdued to a gentle wobble, and yet I still felt its deeply masked power. I glanced again at Kar, who’d retreated the short span to the edge of the island and was standing up to the ankles of her highboots in the sea. I shrugged at her and gave her a grin. I even winked.
    â€œWand, I am Bekka Ja Harick. I have ... collected blue ... flu ... you! ... to complete my ... my powers. Yoss! That’s it! My powers! My trend ... friend Karro, shapeshiftress jrabe loon ... jroon ... and I, the new Harick, would hear your glory ... story. So such. As well as Harick, I am ... I am the ... the Chronicler of the ... Boad, All Fidd and ... Leee ... all of ‘em! ... Combined! Yoss!”
    In my hand the tingle of the wand’s vibration grew soothing. I walked out of the Vault and sat under the sky, waving for Kar to join me. Reluctantly she did so, crouching three paces distant.
    â€œTell us your ... story,” I commanded the wand. I placed it on the folds of my blackest purple cloak. It trembled there and spoke in its wooden hum way.

Chapter Seventeen
    â€œRest ye there while I speak and tell to ye the tale of how and where I grew, and how I were plucked and carried off, and how I made mischief, and how I were carried to here and sealed away, and how I have been washed clean of mischief, and how I no longer be wicked, but good and kind and true and helpful. This all be a truth, to ye I vow. Rest ye there while I begin,” hummed the wand in its wooden way.
    â€œThere were long long ago, and perhaps there may be yet, an oasis in the fair true center of the Blue Dunes east of east beyond the birthplace of the Greenwilla River. (Kar and I exchanged darting glances of recognition. Blue Dunes. Blue Hills. We knew about ‘em. So such among ‘em had I transformed from bendo dreen to Harick.) I

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