The Wedding Deal

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Book: Read The Wedding Deal for Free Online
Authors: Marie Kelly
    “Tessa, we have a lot to talk about…………so either you come to my house………..or I will come to yours”
    He had laughed again hearing her angry sigh.
    “Fine……..what is the address?” she had asked, not even hiding her annoyance, as he had given her the details.
    “I will see you about eight” he had finished, ending the call before she could complain.

Chapter Four
    The following evening Tessa had found herself driving up to one of the largest driveways she had ever seen. She had felt a little intimidated, having to be buzzed into the estate through the large imposing gates. Giving a small smile, she had thought that he seemed even more ostentatious than her grandfather, finding herself more and more comparing the Greek to the hateful man she had spent her early childhood with.
    As she had pulled up to the huge and gorgeous home, she had been impressed with the beauty of the building and the wonderful gardens it sat in. With a smile, she had been glad that he had not come up to her small but cozy flat, suddenly feeling very nervous at the opulence around her. With a frown the realisation of the deal she had made suddenly hitting her, as for the first time she realised that as the wife of a man like Alexis Demitri she would be expected to fulfil a certain role, behave in a certain way. Groaning softly, she wondered where that would leave her plans for her dance studio, and the independence she had treasured her whole life. Looking around she finally understood that she had agreed to be just another prop in this man’s life, and Tessa could feel the tears coming to her eyes, angrily dashing them away. She would have given up everything for Andrew she had told herself, for the family who had been there for her as she had grown up. They had shielded her when her mother died, and now she could finally repay them for all their love and support, and with head held proudly high she had moved to the large column-covered door and rang the bell.
    The sound had been loud, causing her to jump, testing her newfound bravado, but soon the door had been opened, a handsome Alexis standing before her.
    “Hello Tess” he had said a warm smile on his face, as with a twinkle in his eye he had looked deliberately at his watch.
    “You are only half an hour late…………I was sure you would have made me wait the full hour”
    Unable to hold back the small laugh she had realised that he had completely understood why she had arrived late for their appointment. That he had known that she had mutinously refused to follow his commands, determined to make him see that she was not to be bossed around.
    “The traffic was clearer than I expected” she had replied haughtily trying to regain her composure as he had stood aside to invite her in.
    The inside of the building was no less impressive than the outside. Marble floors and a winding double staircase added to the magnificence of the foyer, along with the large chandelier which dominated the central area throwing light around the whole area, illuminating it softly. With a wry smile, she had thought how his home made her grandfather’s seem almost shabby in comparison.
    “You have a lovely home” she had said finally turning to look at the man stood silently allowing her to drink in the house and its contents.
    “Well it will be your home soon too” he had smiled, seeing how Tessa had reddened slightly, her voice suddenly nervous.
    “Y..yes I suppose so” her eyes flitting away from him.
    Alexis took in the woman before him. Many had stood where she was now, many eyes had lit up at the thought of living in such a place, but Tessa was different. She seemed uncomfortable, and nervous of all the wealth around her.
    “Come” he had finally said breaking the silence between them.
    “As promised dinner will be ready soon”, and he had strode towards a room at the far end of the wonderful foyer as Tessa had followed him, her heels making small clip clopping

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