“What’s happening, James?” Max asked.
“There are over twenty ships out there!” I groaned.
“Oh shoot!” Ryan said in an alarmed voice.
“That is not good,” Philip sighed.
“What did we expect? It's a Vorgian planet!” Robert pointed out.
We had nearly made it to the atmosphere. I looked port of the ship. Then I saw one of the orbital laser defense turrets. It had turned toward us and soon opened fire. Beams of bright red light passed by our transport. We began our entry into the atmosphere. One laser turret had concentrated on the Lambda Raiders’ transport, forcing them to sway side to side to try to avoid the onslaught. Then a singular beam passed through the transport, causing the oxygen to quickly begin escaping into space.
“We are halfway through the atmosphere,” Wanda announced.
The laser turret finally stopped its assault, having fallen out of range. About two minutes later we broke through the dangerous portion of the atmosphere into the air. As we descended we saw a large building, several AA guns stationed on top. As I feared, they opened fire. Explosions from the AA shells erupted around our transport, one of them shattering the window on the other transport. Then, the COM link opened with their craft.
“This is Timms,” the voice said, “We have taken heavy—” I heard an explosion from beside our transport. An AA shell had collided with the helm of his transport, likely killing him instantly.
I looked toward the side to see the door open up and Sergeant Pinkip leap out. Mikel Eric, Carl Hays, and Maria Clause followed her. However, I did not see Joseph Hays. Their transport had begun to descend at a near vertical angle.
“We are unable to regain connection with the Lambda Raiders,” Wanda informed us.
I watched their damaged transport get pummeled with AA shots, ripping it apart.
“Most of them jumped out,” I said.
“Most?” Ryan questioned.
“I never saw Joseph Hays jump,” I answered.
“Those who jumped are probably dead by now,” the pilot said.
“That is unless they had parachutes. But most of these transports don’t have parachutes. That could ruin the whole mission,” Ryan shouted.
Then, yet another explosion irrupted beside us. It shook our transport causing Max to fall over. Despite all the explosions, the transport had taken minimal hull damage.
“Shields are at four percent,” Wanda yelled. “Another blow like that and we’ll be toast.”
“I hope you are kidding me,” Max said.
“Not if it’s direct!” Airman Xavier replied.
The waves of explosions were relentless. Suddenly, the transport took a sharp turn to starboard. An explosion popped right where our transport had been.
“Come on…” Robert grunted.
Once more the COM link opened. “This is Palmer! We’re gettin' pummeled out here! Shields have been down and most weapons are offline. The Heart of Gold is gone! Hull integrity is sixty-two percent! The East Wind has positioned itself directly in front of us. It’ll only last so long!”
“Understood, sir,” Wanda responded.
“I don’t think they are going to make it.” Ryan sighed.
“Thirty seconds before we can land!” Wanda called out, hope in her voice.
“Yes! Land!” Nevin said excitedly.
“Solid ground awaits us!” Max sang.
“Finally,” Philip said.
We plummeted towards the ground and then began to slow down. Soon, we were arcing into a horizontal position. Then we were only two meters above the ground. We were so close. The vehicle slowed to a stop and landed on the tropical shores of Sontonos.
“We’re here! You are all free to go,” Wanda reported.
“Let’s scream it loose!” Max exclaimed. “Sorry.”
“Right...” Ryan said as he exited the transport.
As I looked back, I saw the Beta Squad transport coming in; by the time our entire team was out, they had
Miyuki Miyabe, Alexander O. Smith