The Truth

Read The Truth for Free Online Page A

Book: Read The Truth for Free Online
Authors: Erin McCauley
happened, buddy?” Grayson asked him, coming to stand beside her and investigating his bandage.
    “I fell,” Ryan said simply.
    “He was looking through the telescope and his stool tipped over,” Betty said. “He didn’t fall far, but he caught the end of a nail sticking out of one of the rails on the porch. The nail was so small, I couldn’t even find it at first, but he caught it just right.” She brushed her hands over her grandson’s hair. “There was so much blood I think it scared us both.”
    “It was a gusher,” Ryan interjected.
    “I bet it was.” Lexie smiled. “I’m so glad you’re okay, sweetie.”
    “I found the dipper,” Ryan informed them, looking proudly at Grayson. “The big one.”
    “That’s great. I think we’ll need to pick you up a more stable stool for when you show it to me.”
    “Can I show you now?” Ryan leaned over and climbed onto Grayson, wrapping his arms around his neck.
    “I think you should rest tonight. A battle wound like that one would have even the bravest soldier assigned to quarters for a day or two.”
    “Yeah,” Ryan nodded his head in agreement. “I coulda bled to death.”
    Grayson chuckled. “It’s a good thing Grandma was looking out for you.”
    Ryan nodded again. His serious expression had both women turning their heads to hide their smiles.
    “All right, little man,” Lexie said, reaching over to pull Ryan into her arms, “It’s time to get you home and into bed.”
    Ryan twisted away from her, clinging tighter to Grayson. “Isn’t Grayson coming too?”
    Grayson looked over at Lexie and mouthed, “Please?”
    She smiled, “Yes, Grayson is coming with us. But there will be no star gazing or play time, its right to bed, deal?”
    “Deal,” they both said in unison.
    Lexie turned to her mother. “Go home and get some rest.” Pulling her into her arms, she whispered into her ear, “He’s fine. It was an accident, they happen all the time, remember? Stop looking like you were irresponsible or negligent.”
    Betty sniffed, and squeezed her daughter tighter. “I’ll call in the morning and check on him. I’m so sorry.”
    “You’re doing it again,” Lexie scolded. “Now kiss your grandson goodnight, and get home to Daddy.”
    Betty stepped over and rubbed Ryan’s back as he lay comfortably against Grayson’s chest. Bending over to kiss his cheek, she whispered she loved him, waved at the three of them and headed out through the emergency room doors.
    Grayson shifted Ryan to one arm, and held out his hand for Lexie’s. “Ready?”
    She nodded her head, took his hand, and let him lead her out to the car.
    “Grayson, did you ever have to get stitched?” Ryan asked as Lexie settled him in the backseat.
    “Yeah, I’ve had lots of stitches,” Grayson answered.
    “Did you have gushers, too?” Ryan asked.
    “Yup, I’ve definitely had a gusher, that happens sometimes when you’re a soldier.”
    Lexie realized she’d never asked Grayson much about his tour of duty in Iraq. She waited with interest for the answer as she buckled herself into the passenger seat.
    “You ever get shot?” Ryan asked, his eyes filled with wonder.
    “Actually, I have, yes.”
    “What? You never told me that,” Lexie burst out, her stomach suddenly queasy.
    Grayson shrugged. “Honestly, I try not to think about it too much.”
    “You got shot? Whoa! I bet that took a whole bunch of stiches,” Ryan chimed in.
    Grayson laughed. “You bet, buddy. I even got a scar out of the deal.”
    “Wow! Hey, Mom, do you think I’ll have a scar?” he asked excitedly.
    Lexie paled a bit at the thought. “I don’t think so, sweetie. Your battle wound is not as bad as Grayson’s.”
    Ryan harrumphed, and then turned to look out the window.
    “Where did you get shot?” Lexie asked Grayson quietly.
    He rubbed his left shoulder. “Shoulder. I got lucky, the bullet missed the bones. Hurt like a son of a gun, though.”
    “I didn’t notice a scar,” she

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