merely be coordinating “regulatory efforts.” “The conspiracy theorists who have talked about the New World Order and the UN taking control, they are right…. It’s happening!” he exclaimed.
No matter how clearly Dick Morris saw things, only a few in Congress seemed to be getting the message. Texas Republican representative Kay Granger got it. In an August 2009 letter to constituents, she wrote, “Something happened this week that has serious consequences for each and every one of us, but you probably didn’t even know it happened. On Tuesday [August 25, 2009], the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) released their Midsession Review…. The Midsession Review showed that our country is going to be $2 trillion deeper in debt than the White House originally told us at the beginning of this year. That’s nearly $6,700 more debt for every man, woman, and child in America. If this doesn’t show that the policy of spend, spend, spend isn’t working, I don’t know what does.”
The only answer that Washington seems to come up with to deal with all problems is to spend more money on central government programs. Is this merely ineptitude or is this proof of a hidden agenda, one designed to force the American republic into a tightly controlled socialist society?
Permit me to issue and control the money of a nation, and I care not who makes its laws.
—A N OFT-REPEATED PARAPHRASE OF A MSCHEL M AYER R OTHSCHILD’S 1838 QUOTE , “I care not what puppet is placed upon the throne of England to rule the Empire on which the sun never sets. The man who controls Britain’s money supply controls the British Empire, and I control the British Money Supply.”
E CONOMICS IS THE LIFEBLOOD of any nation. Many compared President Barack H. Obama’s $787 billion economic stimulus package in 2009 to giving blood to a corpse. They feared the stimulus was simply throwing good money after bad, especially in light of health and data-gathering provisions that seemed out of place in financial legislation.
As the U.S. economy deteriorated, President Obama expanded the Bush administration’s policies for bailing out banks and other financial institutions. President Obama explained that sending money directly to taxpayers might seem more appealing, but said it wouldn’t be as effective in stimulating the economy, saying that “A dollar of capital in a bank can actually result in eight or ten dollars of loans to families and businesses, a multiplier effect that can ultimately lead to a faster pace of economic growth.”
O BAMA DID NOT COMMENT on criticism raised over the many improprieties connected to the economic crisis, nor did he comment on the argument that his “economic growth” actually was nothing other than an austerity budget based on war. Michel Chossudovsky, a professor of economics at the University of Ottawa and director of the Centre for Research on Globalization, noted that “[Obama’s] austerity measures hit all major federal spending programs with the exception of Defense and the Middle East War, the Wall Street bank bailout, [and] Interest payments on a staggering public debt.
“At first sight, the budget proposal has all the appearances of an expansionary program, a demand oriented ‘Second New Deal’ geared towards creating employment, rebuilding shattered social programs and reviving the real economy. The realities are otherwise. Obama’s promise is based on a mammoth austerity program [original emphasis]. The entire fiscal structure is shattered, turned upside down.” Understandably, Chossudovsky concluded that the Obama plan “largely serves the interests of Wall Street, the defense contractors and the oil conglomerates.” He warned that the Bush-Obama bank bailouts will lead America into a spiraling public debt crisis. “The economic and social dislocations are potentially devastating,” he added.
What this means is that the American taxpayer has been