I bring him with me?
I never noticed before—only just now,
in feeling jealousy on his behalf,
did I at long last see that some secret
reverberating sound connects Midia
to swift Morn … All this is strange …
DANDILIO [ comes out, looking for someone ]:
you see? Did that Foreigner come past here?
I didn’t see him …
What a curious fellow!
He slipped away like a shadow … We were
just having a conversation with him …
[ ELLA and DANDILIO pass on .]
EDMIN [ leads MIDIA to a chair ]:
You do not dance tonight, Midia?
While you,
as always, are mysteriously silent—
perhaps you would like to tell me what
Morn does all day?
What does it matter?
Whether he’s a businessman, a scholar,
an artist, a warrior, or just an impassioned man—
isn’t it all the same to you?
And what
is it you do yourself? Stop it—stop shrugging
your shoulders! Conversation with you
is such a bore, Edmin …
I know …
Tell me, when Morn is here, you guard, alone
beneath the window, and after leave with him.
Friendship is friendship, but this …
I like it this way.
Is there not a woman—unknown to us—
with whom you would more pleasantly spend
the nights, while Morn is here, than with the spectre
of someone else’s happiness? … How foolish—
you’ve grown pale …
[ MORN enters, wiping his brow .]
What is happiness?
Klian ran past me and, like the wind,
took Ella from me …
[ to EDMIN ]
Friend, brighten up!
Your face is painfully contorted, as though
you were about to sneeze … Go dance …
[ EDMIN exits .]
… Oh, my Midia, how you do resemble
happiness! No, do not move, do not spoil
your splendour … I am cold from happiness.
We are on the crest of a wave of music … Wait,
don’t speak. This very moment is the peak of two eternities …
A mere two moons
have rolled by since that vivid day, when
mysterious Edmin brought you to me. That day
you conquered me with the piercing glance
of your deep eyes. In them, an intense force
sparkles around the pupils with a yellow light …
Sometimes it seems to me that, walking
down the street, you could, with the even breath
of your eyes alone, inspire in passers-by
whatever you wanted: happiness, wisdom,
the heat of passion … I’ll put it this way—
but don’t laugh: my soul has fixed itself
to your eyes, as when in childhood
one’s tongue sticks to cloudy metal if,
for a lark, you lick it in the flaring frost …
Now tell me, what do you do all day?
And your eyes—no, show me—are
slightly slanted, satin-like … Oh, my dear …
May I kiss the rays of your collarbone?
Wait, be careful—that black tragedian
is watching us … soon the guests will leave …
Be patient!
MORN [ laughing ]:
Well, that should not be hard:
A whole night will make me tire of you
yet …
Don’t joke like that, I don’t like it …
[ The music dies down. The GUESTS exit the salon .]
Wherever did you disappear to?
I had woken up. The wind roused me.
It rattled the window frame. I barely
fell back asleep …
People here will find
that hard to believe.
Ah, Dandilio …
I haven’t had a chance to talk with you …
What new things have you collected? What
rusty screws, what bracelets of pearl?
are bad. Recently I found a fiery parrot—
huge and sleepy, with a crimson feather
in his tail—I found him in a little shop,
where he sits remembering the tunnel
of a smoking tropical river … I would have
bought him but I have a cat—these two
divine, mysterious creatures could not live
together … Each day I go and admire him:
he is a sacred parrot, he does not speak.
Time to go home. Take a look at Midia,
I think her smile is a suppressed yawn.
Annathesa Nikola Darksbane, Shei Darksbane