The Third Wife

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Book: Read The Third Wife for Free Online
Authors: Jordan Silver
Tags: Erótica, Literature & Fiction
that I think it might be best if
you're not here while she adjusts. My daughter stays here of course."
    "I will behave." She huffed at me,
yeah right. I'll have to keep an eye on her. I didn't believe for a second that
Alana would tell me if anything happened while I was away. She just struck me
as the stubborn handle it myself type. We'll just have to wait and see. It’s my
job to protect her from all comers and that’s a job I intend to take very seriously.
    "This was your first real warning, you get
three. Now send Arlene in when you leave." I was suddenly very tired. Then
I remembered my wildflower's laughter on the island and I smiled. I could do
this. To secure her happiness I would do anything.
    "You wanted to see me husband?" I
studied her for a long minute before speaking.
    "What's the plan?" She looked at me askance. "Okay
keep your secrets, but know this. If you clasp hands with Sharon against my
wife it will go badly for you. Did you stop being my wife when I married
    "No." She was the more timid of the
two, the more easily led. I know that whatever scheme Sharon concocted she
would drag her along with her. I hoped she heeded my warnings because I meant
what I said. None will stay if she's not welcomed.
    "Have I treated you poorly? Is there
anything you wanted or needed that I have not provided?"
    "No husband." She twisted her hands in the folds of her
dress skirt.
    "Good, then there should be no problem. Remember
Arlene, do unto others as you would have done unto you, you may go." She
left the room in a hurry and I sighed. To think the day had only just begun, I
miss the island.

Chapter 7

    I forced myself to
go down to breakfast. I couldn't hide out in my room forever now could I? The
two witches of Endor were there the girls were off
playing somewhere. I got a glass for my juice and snagged a banana. I wasn't
about to eat anything these bitches cooked, they'd probably poison my ass first
chance they get.
    "Good morning chicas ."
I dropped down in a chair at the table just any old random chair.
    "That's my seat, and we don't care for your urban
greetings." Oh it was like that was it? Come bitch bring it.
    "What do you mean your seat, your name on
this shit?" I facetiously looked to the back of the chair for her name.
    "No my name's not on it but it's where I
always sit. And please try to curtail your language, there're children in this
    Huffy bitch. "I'll give you that one about the swearing, but
I'm not making any promises. I'm liable to drop the F bomb once or twice
dealing with you and the walking dead over there. As for the chair business, I
saw Big Love bitch, no one's running me so you better get that through your
head real fast. And I'll watch the early morning sneak attacks, especially if
you plan on bringing the kids with. I can get pretty noisy if you know what I
mean." Oh this bitch wants to belt me one. See I picked my battle station
and I’m manning it. I might have to share him, but fuck if I'll let them rule
    End of day I wonder
what I had awaiting me at home. I'd purposely neglected to call to check in
though I'd reached for the phone a number of times. Whatever was waiting the
night promised to be a doozy; I have to spend the night with one of the others
and since Sharon was on semi punishment it would have to be Arlene. I wouldn't
bring her to my bed. That was too close to Wildflower too soon.
    So I would have to
go to her. Shit I wonder not for the first time why this was proving so
difficult. I didn’t face any of his angst with Arlene when I brought Sharon
home. It wasn’t just that I’m in love with her, or maybe that’s exactly what it
was. The thought of hurting her hurts me. Sharon and Arlene knew the ways of
our life their whole lives, she ‘s only had a few weeks to get used to her new
reality and I cant help but feel like it might just all become too much for
    I can’t and won’t
neglect my first two wives but I don’t want

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