vigorously and then suddenly he was entering me, but I quickly pushed him off, and his manhood sprung out with a slurp from my juices.
He looked at me deeply in the eyes and I could feel them penetrating me as he had done - my boy had become a man, and he was going to have me, and I knew then that I was going to give myself to him, and he reached around and with surprising strength lifted me up and I felt the delicious hotness of his tip at my entrance, but Damn!!! before he could plunge into me we heard the car drive up, and so I quickly made him leave thru the back door and I hid the booze and my sketchbook under the couch.
My thick rod was deep inside Maria when she climaxed again on me, and that set me off and I felt myself shooting deep within her, again and again, until I was spent, and I collapsed on top of her and we held each other in the pale blue light, panting for breath.
Suddenly a pair of car headlights painted the room through the little cracks in the drapery. “Oh my God, you've got to get out of here! - quick - through the slider.” I grabbed my clothes and beat a hasty retreat to the back yard and she slid the door shut quickly, and I heard her bed door close as I crouched in the bushes behind the house, in the darkness. Shortly thereafter I heard footsteps in the gravel... two pairs of footsteps from the sound of it. Her mom and her boyfriend, no doubt, and, in hindsight, I'm sure the smell of sex was thick in the room. Maybe they couldn't tell because of their own heavy scent, I don't know. I know I should have hightailed it out of there, but I just couldn't. The house was only a one-story rambler, with a couple bedrooms, and Maria's bedroom was on one side, and theirs on the other. I listened in the dark for that parental yelling that every teenager knows, but it never came. They had, of course, turned on the lights when they came in, but Maria had made it back into the bedroom. I saw the lights go back off, and then the blue glow of the TV extinguish as they clicked it off. A light went on in the master bedroom, and then off again, and there was silence.
I don't know how long I waited in the dark, but my heart was pounding. Something primal forced me to stand there in the cool summer evening, hiding in the dark, my wet member still hot and hard in my jeans, my shirt clumped in my hand.
I slowly made my way outside Maria's window, and did my best to peek around a corner of the window shade. In the darkness I could see she had her ear to the door of her bedroom. I tapped on the glass, and she spun, shocked, and looked in my direction. She turned on a reading light beside her bed and cautiously crept toward the window. Seeing it was me, she scowled and waved me away. I motioned instead for her to open the window.
I stood my ground, and eventually she slid the window open a crack and hissed “you've got to get out of here”. I could still smell of sex on her, this time mine mixed with her own, and her own wonderful perspiration.
“What are they doing?”
“I think they're fucking”
There was a long pause
“I want you”.
“Go away.”
There was another long pause, and we looked at each other intently. She closed the window, and closed the blinds.
I didn't know what to do, but the fire was still there in us, in me, as strong as ever. Unconsciously, I reached down into my pants and felt the hard stirrings of my young manhood. She turned out the light.
A few minutes passed, and then the blinds opened a crack, and I pressed up to the glass, listening, watching for anything.
A few more minutes, and a faint light went on in the room. It was a kid's night light, the kind you plug into a wall socket.
Then I saw her lying on her back on the bed, wearing only those same wet panties and bra. Her hands slowly went up to her breasts and started kneading them, first the left, then the right. She arched her back and raised her legs, and then slowly lowered and then spread