The Star Cross: The Dark Invaders
technology with many
of the processes now done by robotics. Ship construction and repair times had
been decreased by nearly 70 percent due to these new technologies.
    “I think the
governor is worried about this next election,” commented Kurt with a grim look.
“We may find the next president of the North American Union won’t be quite as
sympathetic toward Newton as Mayfield is.”
    “How will that
work?” asked Simms, cocking his eyebrow. “We’re technically a part of the North
American Union. We have to do what they ask now that the Profiteers have been
driven from the Solar System.”
    “Independence,” answered Kurt softly as he glanced around, making sure no one else
overheard. “Mayfield will grant it by executive order in the next few weeks.”
exclaimed Hayworth, his eyes opening wide in surprise. “That will cause quite a
commotion when it’s announced. A lot of people on Earth won’t like it.”
    “How will he
do it?” asked Colonel Simms, sounding confused. “I didn’t think he had the
authority without the approval of the Cabinet.”
    “The North
American Union, as well as most of the world, is still under a state of
emergency. That gives Mayfield the authority. Of course there’s the danger they
may impeach him after he signs the executive order. Governor Spalding will then
make an announcement on all video and comm channels to everyone on Newton, informing them of our independence. Once that’s done, we’ll formally open
embassies in the European Union, the Russian Collective, and Chinese
Conglomerate. Work is already underway for that to happen within a few days of President
Mayfield signing the proclamation. We have some trade deals we’ll sign with all
three which will ensure they support us in case the North American Union
attempts to change its mind about our independence at a later date.”
playing with fire,” said Simms, shaking his head. “I just hope he knows what
he’s doing.”
    “So do I,” answered
    Thankfully Newton was self-supporting and didn’t need supplies from Earth to exist, he thought. Of
course trade with the North American Union was a good thing, and he would hate
to see it come to an end. Just another reason for signing the other trade
deals. At the moment Newton had the only access to the Gothan Empire and the
technology that could be purchased there. Earth had been cautioned about going to
Kubitz, but some very stubborn and greedy people on the planet might not

Chapter Three
thousand light-years from the Gothan Empire, the Lakiam battlecruiser Aurelia dropped from hyperspace. Around it 112 more battlecruisers appeared in a tight
defensive formation. All the ships were armed with the most advanced weapons
known to the Protector Worlds.
asked Captain Veer as he gazed calmly at the viewscreens surrounding the Command Center on all sides.
    Six other
Lakiams sat in front of control consoles. More were in key sections of the ship
such as Engineering. Overall only forty-seven Lakiams were on board the 1,700-meter-long
vessel. The ship was highly automated and used advanced repair robots to
perform maintenance and emergency repairs. The ship also possessed a supply of
specialized nanites to repair breaches in the hull in case of major damage to
the ship.
    “All comm
channels are silent,” reported Mara from Communications. Mara was a highly
specialized communications officer. She was also a very stunning looking woman.
    “Picking up
some debris around the fifth planet,” answered Sensor Operator Baryon. “Most
likely ship remains. Also several space stations should be in orbit, and the
sensors are indicating two massive debris fields in their locations.”
    Captain Veer
frowned upon hearing this. The fifth planet was a colony world of the Visth
race. They were an Enlightened nonhumanoid species controlling over two hundred
star systems with eighty-six inhabited worlds and

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