the less likely you are to lose your powers. That and when they do conceive, the werewolves most likely have no use for you, it never would be about love, just business.”
“So just like that you lose your powers!” I asked , thinking this whole scenario sucked. While I did not have any powers I knew about, if I gained some I certainly would like to keep them and get some money to help my folks out.
“We ll not just like that, you would steadily lose your powers over the course of about two weeks. When we turn 24 that’s when the decline begins normally, so you pick your poison, two weeks and then nothing, or a year.”
“What happens when all of your powers are gone?”
“Well it depends on the person, to keep our secrets many of us are forced into taking government jobs, like judges, lawyers, cops or something similar. The not particularly smart end up in the military on Delta Force or Seal Team 6. Those are the only technically ‘Non’ powered people allowed in here or to know about this place with one exception. While we work for the President, we do so indirectly. Ever wonder what the vice president really does? He orders us around to kill or capture targets or simply wreak havoc somewhere. The President has deniability is word of us ever gets out. Occasionally it does though and we have to change our name. We were originally known as Area 51, a name given to us by FDR until the debacle in Roswell. Since I have been here we have went through two names, the Illuminati and my favorite the New World Order. Currently we just call ourselves the school.”
“Okay so what is your super power, why are you a wizard?” I asked curiously.
Suddenly Ronnie looked at me. His skin began to darken and his face became fuzzy. Not fuzzy as in hairy but fuzzy as in you really couldn’t make out any of his features. Suddenly I was looking at a copy of myself. Well truthfully his hair stayed the same and he still had the same height and build, but other than that I was looking at myself. After looking at the shock I had on my face he changed back to normal. This was the first time I had ever witnessed the supernatural with my own eyes that I could not come up with an explanation for.
“Dude, that was awesome!” I said excitedly, “You could be anybody you wanted and get pretty much any chick you wanted!”
“I would never use it for that” he blushed continuing “It’s not all that cool, I don’t think it would get me on Alpha or Bravo team.”
“What is Alpha or Bravo team?”
“Those are our field teams, they get to go out and do missions. Only the very best get that job though. Alpha team is basically the strongest wizards we have, they are normally used when we need a small team to carry out a mission where the government thinks it is unwise to send in a larger group. Remember what I said about wreaking havoc? Alpha can sneak in and destroy a lot of stuff and sneak out before the enemy even realizes they are in a fight. Bravo team is normally built around a guy who for some reason was a bad fit for Alpha and the rest of the group is picked to highlight their leader’s strengths and cover the weaknesses. Bravo is normally Alpha’s back up but their main mission is assassinations and snatch and grabs.”
“Well, if you don’t think your power is cool, then who is the strongest guy here?”
“That would be Speed”, he said quickly. “She is blindingly fast, not comic book fast, but fast enough to hit you before you knew you were in a fight. She can take any object and make it a deadly projectile. She can’t keep up her speed for long though, but she has been known to break the sound barrier. She is also the leader of the Alpha team.”
“Your leader is a girl?!?” I said still unbelieving.
“Of course she is , I just told you most wizards are women.”
“Why aren’t they called witches or sorceresses?”
“Because they just aren’t, you are all over the place Cory with these questions. Just