The Sorceress Screams
“syrup Tapatío ”. The musicians cheered. I soon understood why when
they began playing the Mexican hat dance.
    Maximo set his
hands behind his back and lifted his chin. His pose had the look of one of the
pros on Dancing with the Stars . Hades
knew he was hot enough to pull it off.
    He proceeded
to tap out a specific set of moves in a circle around me. I stood dumbly until
the band began making motions for me to join him in the dance. I was inebriated
enough to attempt it. For my effort I received encouraging cheers from all
around. The sheer volume made me glance about the place. We’d drawn a small
crowd at either cantina entrance. But no one was brave enough to join us.
    Maximo drew in
toward me with a rapid tapping of his leather boots. He darted away, repeating
the movement in time with the music. All the while he grinned madly.
    This had better earn me my ring back. If not, I
just might set him on fire.
    The music came
to a stop. He exchanged a look with the band that wasn’t particularly
promising. Nor was his pose. Those outstretched arms
couldn’t be good. He didn’t want me closer, in front of all these people, did
    I remained
rooted where I was.
    “We’ll start
when you have your lady close,” the bandleader called out.
    Maximo shot
him a grin.
    I pretended I
hadn’t understood the Spanish. And to prove I was in the dark, I blinked blank
eyes that were probably wide from the intake of alcohol.
translated the words. “He says they won’t play until we’re ready.”
    “I’m ready.”
    Maximo waved
me toward him.
    “Oh, for
Pete’s sake,” I said under my breath on my way forward.
    He slipped an
arm around my waist. The band began playing a slower song. Maximo stepped
forward, sending me scrambling back. He didn’t glare, perhaps because he’d
wanted me to move away. Again he stepped forward. And then he drew back twice,
taking me with him.
    The move
seemed to be a double step backward and double step forward. I’d begun to get
the hang of dancing without stumbling when the bandleader gestured at Maximo.
    The vampire
broke into resonate song while holding my gaze. Sensual intensity warmed his
expression. “Kiss me, give me many kisses.”
    One of the guitar
players’ voices soon harmonized.
    “As if tonight
were the last time…”
    The sultry
sound was overwhelming. Goosebumps formed along my bare arms. I found myself shivering. I could hardly hold Maximo’s dark gaze as his
melodious voice sang the sexy song. His cool hands pulled me closer against his
firm body without breaking the dance’s movement.
    This might
have been the first time I’d ever wished my mother hadn’t gifted me with the
knowledge of so many languages. I would have been much happier if I hadn’t understood
the lyrical words coming out of his mouth.
    He drew me
against his chest. The music slowed to its finale. Maximo leaned me into a dip.
His arm easily held my body aloft while he sang the last line with a dark
vehemence that made me breathless. “Because I’m afraid of
having you then losing you.”
    Even though
I’d known it was coming, I was still unprepared for his lips covering mine.
Apart from the chilly temperature of them, they were soft and coaxing—a mere
suggestion of what else could be if only I’d allow it. Warmth slipped over my
arms from where they touched his body. A shiver of desire wiggled its way down
my back.
    Right then I
wanted to know what else there could be. I wanted to allow a whole lot more
than the teasing caress of his tongue at the seam of my mouth … until Ascencion’s name whispered out of the bar.
    The locals. Of course they wondered
where his lover was.
    My body went
stiff in Maximo’s arms. He lifted us both to our upright positions, holding me
to his chest for several moments too long before he released me. I stumbled
around the corner away from the hungry look that had come over his face. It
should have sent me running because I knew what he fed on and it

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