The Solomon Scroll
able to keep things quiet. If word got out that the CIA was looking into that train wreck the media would be on it like white on rice."
    "What have you got on this Lebanese arms dealer?" Nick asked.
    "He's tight with Hezbollah and they provide protection for him. They're one of his best customers. He's careful to keep them happy."
    "I thought Hezbollah had been brought under control by the Lebanese, except on the border with Israel," Selena said.
    Lucas laughed. "Sure they have."
    "What did you have in mind?" Elizabeth said.
    She sounded annoyed. Acting in place of Langley wasn't part of her job description. Lucas picked up on it.
    "Look, we're not asking you to do more than find out what you can from Abidi. Hood has already talked with the president."
    "Why do you need us?"
    "There's been too much negative publicity about Langley in the last few years. We're everybody's favorite villain as far as the press is concerned. We have a leak and until I find out who's talking to them I want to keep a low profile."
    Elizabeth understood about keeping a low profile. There were powerful people with their own agendas who didn't understand what was required to keep the country safe. They wanted all the comforts security brought without any of the responsibility for the uncomfortable decisions that made security possible. Accountability was one thing. Politically correct witch hunts were another. Sometimes the two became confused.
    "You should have discussed this with me before going to the president."
    "I'm sorry," Lucas said. "You're right. It won't happen again."
    "Tell Director Hood I'm going to be speaking with him," Elizabeth said.
    I'd like to hear that conversation, Nick thought.
    "Then you're on board?"
    "I work for the president. If this is what he wants, of course I am."
    Stephanie gave Lucas an accusing glance. "You set this up."
    "I figured you needed something to do."
    "I have plenty to do."
    "You want to tell them?"
    "Tell us what?" Elizabeth said.
    Selena saw Lucas take her hand. He had a foolish smile on his face.
    Stephanie looked radiant. "We're going to have a baby."
    Elizabeth's response took a second or two. "Steph, that's wonderful."
    Nick said, "Congratulations, Lucas."
    "When are you due, Steph?" Selena said.
    "A little over five months from now."
    "Is it a boy or a girl?"
    "We don't know yet."
    Elizabeth looked at her deputy. The pregnancy would complicate things. She'd come to rely on Steph's ability to coax information from the computers and the surveillance satellites that circled the globe. Stephanie managed the complicated communications network that kept Elizabeth in touch with the team in the field. Without her, even for a short time, everything would become more complicated. The baby would change everything.
    I wonder how long she'll keep working? I'd better start thinking about finding someone to back her up, Elizabeth thought.
    Later Nick and Selena drove back to the city.
    Selena said, "Steph looks wonderful, don't you think?"
    "Mm," Nick said.
    "And Lucas. That hard, tough man, all warm and cuddly."
    "Cuddly is not a word I would use to describe Lucas."
    "You know what I mean."
    "It's going to make things difficult," Nick said.
    "Why do you say that? People have babies all the time."
    "Most people aren't computer geniuses who happen to be an indispensable part of an intelligence unit."
    Selena's voice took on a hint of coolness. "I'm sure she'll work right up until the time she gives birth. It shouldn't make any difference at all."
    "What about after? What about when she has to take care of a baby? What if the baby gets sick? All of that is going to affect how she's able to work and the quality of what she does."
    "Why do men always assume that having a baby is going to make the woman into some kind of an idiot? Someone who can't work up to her ability?"
    "I didn't say that."
    "That's what you meant."
    "That's not what I meant."
    "I don't think we should talk about this anymore," Selena said. She

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