the tea tell to my lot.
“Lenore can manage,” she would say. Then it would be: “Lenore, a little more cream please. Oh, and do bring me one of those scones.”
She would sit there, not eating, but crumbling the scone on her plate. The conversation at this time was all about Julia’s coming out which would soon take place. ” Dear me, I should be there … but it is impossible. Lenore, my feet are quite numb. Just take off my slippers and rub them, will you? Ah … that’s better. Such a relief. In my state of health it is alas impossible. The dresses you will have to have, Julia … Madame Cleremont will of course make them. She will have to get some patterns. Perhaps your father can send for them from Paris. …”
Julia clasped her hands and listened ecstatically. She was longing to be “out.” She talked about it to Cassie and me. Balls, banquets … gaiety … and armies of young men all seeking her hand in marriage.
I had heard Miss Logan, who knew of such things, talking to Miss Everton. She said: “Well, of course, it’s trade when all’s said and done… and that puts a damper on it. Mind you there’s money and money talks.”
So Julia was to be taken forth to the marriage market to display her assets. She was young, quite pretty sometimes when she was in a good temper, and very eager to find a husband but handicapped by that label “Trade”—enhanced though by the other one: “Money.”
Lady Sallonger said: “I have heard that the Countess of Bal-lader is very good. Poor soul, she needs the money now that the Earl is dead. He left her practically penniless… . Gambling they say, and drink … it swallowed up the estate and on his death it all came out. Poor Countess. Of course she was not quite … to start with. Actress or something. The Earl’s third wife and he was in his dotage when he married her. Well, now she has to eke out a living this way. She’s expensive but she was very good with Maria Cranley. Quite a plain little creature but she married well … money mind you, not much of the blue blood.”
I could not resist saying that perhaps the money would bo more useful than blue blood.
”That’s true, Lenore. Would you put another cushion behind my back. That’s better. I get so tired. And I have dropped my fan. Oh there it is. And another cup of tea, Lenore. Take this scone away. Oh dear, it seems to have gone all over the floor. Is that Madeira cake? I’ll have a piece… . No. I think I’ll try the fruit. And more cream please. Yes, the Countess is considered to be ideal. She knows her way about society and her origins make her pushing… and practical. But everyone seems to have forgotten all that and the name Ballader counts for a good deal. It is a great tragedy that I, as your Mama, Julia, cannot do what should be done for you.”
She then began to discuss what dresses would be needed.
“I shall have to ask Madame Cleremont to come and see me. There will be so much to do. I don’t know how I shall manage.”
I could not help smiling knowing that Lady Sallonger would have very little trouble in managing, for others would do that for her.
There was talk of little else but Julia’s coming out. Grand’mere was very excited about the dresses she would make for her. She did a good many sketches. I did one. Grand’mere said it should go down with the rest for approval, but she would not say it was mine until the choice was made.
Almost every afternoon we rode out together—Julia, Cassie and I. If there were three of us we were allowed to go without a groom providing we did not go beyond the little hamlet of Branches Burrow on one side and the King’s Arms on the other.
The forest within five miles radius of the house was very well known to us, but to stray beyond the boundary would be most unsafe, for it was an easy place in which to lose oneself.
I shall never forget the horror of that day. We were riding through the forest and it was all so peaceful. The sun,