The Seven
would be a helpful ability. So is talking to animals. Think about what we could accomplish if we could openly communicate with animals."
    "Telekinesis as helpful? Maybe. If I was a quadriplegic, I could see it. But as someone who can get things for herself? I don't see much use to it."
    "I do," said John. "There's a lot of uses for it."
    "Like what?"
    "Like, what if a telekinetic could pull the pins on the grenades attached to a soldier before he has a chance to use them? How about turning off a security system from across a room? Maybe a telekinetic could drop a mountain on a platoon in the field? I think there are probably a lot of uses for a telekinetic, but I'm only coming up with military aspects."
    Indigo's lips were moving, as if she were talking to herself, going over facts in her head. She suddenly stopped and looked up, her face was ashen. "Think about it: John's a killer, I can kill, Holly can communicate with animals that could kill. We're all killers."
    "Don't be stupid," said John. "I don't kill. Neither do you or Holly."
    Andy was squinting at Indigo. "Hold it. I think she's on to something. What else could it be?"
    "We're all weapons," said Indigo. "If your powers show up, there's going to be something weapon-like about them; I'm sure of that. I'll bet Posey's changes will give her some sort of weapon ability. Andy, Sarah, Kenny---if their abilities show up, I'll bet there's some weapon aspect there, too. That's the point, right? They want to make us some kind of superhero soldiers...genetically 'fix' us so we're beyond human...then, send us overseas to kill their enemies. There's no 'next step of human evolution' like Cormair keeps harping about, we're turning into weapons. We're humans with super-human weapon abilities."
    "I'm not a weapon," said Holly.
    Indigo slumped against the wall and slid to a squatting position. "Right, Holly...because there's nothing at all useful about someone being able to tell every bird, bug, and beast in the area to attack and maul a person...Or how about being able to tell a swarm of yellow jackets to maliciously sting a man to death? Yeah, sure, there's no weapon potential there."
"I wouldn't do that."
"Would you have a choice?" Andy said.
"What do you mean?"
    "If you were a weapon, you could be detained under some stupid Homeland Security policy or something. You could be forced to use your powers."
    "I wouldn't," said Holly. "I'm never going to tell Cormair about my powers." She shuddered. The idea of commanding animals was appealing until Indigo put those thoughts into her head. Holly wasn't a killer; they couldn't make her kill. She had never thought of herself as powerful, but perhaps Indigo was correct: Maybe she could be a weapon. Holly quickly forced the idea out of her mind. It was frightening. She couldn't let herself be manipulated like that.
    "I think keeping our powers secret is the best idea for everyone," said Indigo. "Unless something happens like it did to Posey---but we have to keep anything physical like that hidden as best we can." Indigo paused and her eyes flicked down the hallway. But, we've got to be together on this one."
    "We need to get Kenny in this, too," said Sarah, following Indigo's eyes. The group shuffled to Kenny's door---the only door on the second floor that wasn't adorned with comic strips, pictures of bands, or even a name plate and a "Do Not Enter" sign. Sarah knocked and the door opened. Kenny's stoic face peered out. He didn't speak.
    "Kenny, do you have any powers yet?" blurted Indigo. "Posey had a massive breakdown tonight. Something happened to her and Sebbins took her to the lab."
    Kenny blinked twice. He peered around at the faces of the others. He shook his head briefly.
    "No powers?" said Indigo. "None at all?" Kenny started to shut the door but Andy jammed his foot into the base.
    "Hold up, Kenny. We're coming in," said Andy. Kenny backed up, startled. He quickly turned off the monitor on his computer. As the five of them

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