The Seduced

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Book: Read The Seduced for Free Online
Authors: Donna Grant
Tags: Adult, Novella, PNR, Supernaturals
them like this after having been taken into their home. Daman needed to stop.
    If he didn’t stop now, he wasn’t sure he would be able to later. His desire for Innes was that great.
    He ended the kiss and pulled back. The sight of her kiss-swollen lips made him groan, but no sound could be heard.
    Her eyes opened, blinking up at him dazedly. She touched her lips with her fingertips. “I have no words for how amazing that felt.”
    Satisfaction filled him. If only she knew how close he was to kissing her again.
    He cupped his hands around her face and looked deep into her black eyes. Such beautiful eyes. They were so dark and deep that he could feel himself falling into them.  
    She lifted her lips to him, silently asking him to continue kissing her. Just as he began to lower his head, he heard Alistair’s voice below.
    Daman gave her a quick kiss and stepped away. When she didn’t move, he turned her toward the stairs and gave her a gentle shove. Only when she began to walk did he go into his chamber and shut the door.
    He sighed heavily. The kiss had been beyond his expectations. Innes was captivating, and she must have worked some kind of spell on him because he was bewitched.
    A warning zipped through his mind, cautioning him to be wary. But as he tried to search the dark corners of his mind for why, he once more came up empty.
    Daman removed his sword, boots, kilt, and shirt to walk naked - except for the necklace he still wore - to a wooden tub filled with water. It was still relatively warm. He scrubbed himself twice before he rose and dried off.
    He touched the amulet around his neck. It was the same one he’d found in his hand when he regained consciousness in the cavern. If Innes was the one to wake him, did that mean this was hers? He knew it didn’t belong to him.
    Daman put his clothes back on and walked to the small round table and chair in his chamber. He sat and poured ale into a tankard as he looked at the trencher of food before him.  
    After the first bite of cold meat, he realized how famished he was. It didn’t take long for him to clean the trencher of every morsel.
    He sat back to finish his ale as he looked around his quarters. It was a medium sized room. The bed sat against the far wall with bed curtains that were dark blue velvet. They were a little frayed, having seen better days.  
    It was more visible evidence that the MacKays were in trouble. Daman wasn’t sure how they had lasted as long as they had.  
    With little food, very few men to hold the castle, and fighting within the family, they were ripe to be taken over.
    Daman tried not to think of Innes, but he couldn’t seem to help himself. That kiss had set him ablaze. The fire within for her had already flamed hot. Now, he burned.
    Did she know how she made his blood heat? How he yearned to have her near? How he longed to hold her?
    He thought she had been with him for decades, because that’s what it felt like. But it was more like years. Just how long had he been in that cave?
    Why was he put there? Innes and Alistair must know the answers. If only he could ask them. But that was rather hard without his voice.
    He rose and began to pace the room. There were no memories. He responded to his name, he knew he could fight, and he knew he could hunt. Other than that, his mind was blank.
    Except for the clawing feeling that he was supposed to be doing something.  
    He latched onto the word. Looking. He was supposed to be looking. But for what? For who?
    Daman squeezed his eyes closed and gripped his head. A dull ache had begun, settling in at the base of his skull. The pain grew until his entire head pounded.
    It took him a moment to realize there was a second pounding – that of a fist against his door.


    Innes shifted in her seat in Alistair’s chamber. She couldn’t get comfortable. Ever since that scorching kiss with Daman, she’d been unable to think of anything other than him.
    All through the

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