The Robber Bride

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Book: Read The Robber Bride for Free Online
Authors: Jerrica Knight-Catania
Tags: Fiction, Romance, Historical, Regency
say, are you quite finished, madam?” he asked of Lady Beecham. He was still reeling from the fact that she’d snuck into his carriage. He was in no mood to make nice with her now, despite her histrionics.
    “Oh, Lord Leyburn , how can you remain so calm? We were nearly killed!” she cried.
    Fin rolled his eyes. “Yes, well, we weren’t, were we?”
    “But the thought of it!”
    “Don’t think about it, then.”
    There was silence and Fin hoped he’d finally shut her up.
    “You are so cruel to toy with my emotions, Finny, darling.”
    “It’s Lord Leyburn to you, and I’ve never done any such thing as to toy with your emotions. To toy with someone’s emotions would indicate that I bore some liking to them—at least enough to be in their presence long enough to do said toying —but you, Lady Beecham, mean nothing to me.” He could hear her sharp intake of breath, but thankfully couldn’t see her stricken face. “Once our five minutes is up, I will deliver you back into the hands of your husband and you will leave me alone once and for all. Is that understood?”
    Silence reigned again, until the woman finally answered, her voice choked with fake tears. “Completely.”

    Victoria awoke the next morning, after a night of tossing and turning, to a light knock on her door. She groaned, reluctant to see or speak with anyone this morning. There was one person in particular she hoped to avoid for all eternity.
    Pushing Fin from her mind for the hundredth time since last night, she called out a feeble, “Come in!” and then nestled into her pillows again.
    “ Mornin ’, miss. ‘tis an urgent letter for you.” Lily held out the note that bore Sarah’s handwriting.
    “Thank you, Lily,” she said, sitting up to grab the letter. “Could you fetch my toast and tea, please?” Lily started to leave, but Victoria stopped her. “No, I’ve changed my mind. Bring me coffee instead.” She was going to need more than weak tea to get her through this day, she was certain.
    She opened the letter, nervous for what she might find. It was never good news when Sarah sent an urgent letter—or any letter, for that matter.
    Molly is sick. Need help.
    Damn and blast, but this was not good. Molly was the other nurse. No doubt she would have to take up residence at the hospital to avoid spreading whatever she had to her children and husband. So there would be an extra patient while being short one pair of hands.
    Which meant Victoria was going to have to come up with a lot more excuses over the coming days. She just hoped it wouldn’t turn into weeks.
    She ate her breakfast while Lily prepared her for the day. The coffee was a welcome change to her morning routine. Just the thing she needed to shake off her sleepless night.
    Her mother sat at the breakfast table with Tom when Victoria arrived downstairs. “Good morning, Mother,” she greeted. “Tom. I’m off to visit Lady Hartswell .”
    “You were there not two days ago, Victoria.” Her mother’s sharp tone grated on Victoria this early in the morning.
    “What can I say?” Victoria replied flippantly. “The woman has requested my company, and I would hate to disappoint.”
    “Your brother will go with you.”
    How very infuriating. She didn’t need an escort wherever she went. It wasn’t as if she were seventeen and fresh on the market. At twenty-four no one even looked twice at her anymore—they barely even looked once—so why the devil would she need a constant chaperone?
    Tom turned to her, the same desperation in his eyes that she knew was in her own. He didn’t care to be tethered to her this morning, either.
    “Mother, that’s ridiculous. Lady Hartswell is only a few blocks away.”
    “Yes, and I have an appointment, Mother. I couldn’t possibly accompany Vickie this morning.”
    “Your sister’s name is Victoria. ”
    Victoria rolled her eyes. Mother never complained when Finny called her Vickie.
      Oh, dear. Finny. The sick feeling

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