The River Knows
the bedroom. One of the guards, most likely. Would he open the door of his employer’s bedroom or was that forbidden territory? There was no way to know how thorough Quinby or Royce would be, but from what Anthony knew of Hastings’s temperament, it did not seem likely that he would authorize either man to prowl through his private sanctuary.
    Voices sounded out in the hall. A man whispered something in soft, urgent tones. A woman responded, her voice equally low and eager.
    Hastings had evidently brought one of the female guests up to his bedroom while his young bride was dutifully dealing with the crowd downstairs. The action certainly confirmed Louisa’s already low opinion of his character. But the sensibilities of the very new Mrs. Hastings were not his primary concern at the moment. He had to get out of the room.
    There were two alternatives: the window and the connecting door to Mrs. Hastings’s bedroom. He chose the latter. If he went out onto the ledge he might not be able to find another unlocked window to crawl back through.
    His hand was on the knob of the adjoining bedroom door when he heard the outer door of that room open. He stilled, listening as the couple entered.
    “This is so damned risky, Lilly.”
    “Hastings and his guests have all had far too much champagne tonight. No one will notice that you and I have slipped away for a short time. In any event surely this is no more reckless than the way we used to meet before I was forced into this ghastly marriage.”
    “But if anyone discovers us—”
    “Darling, I have been so desperate for you. The past few weeks have been a nightmare. Hold me.”
    There was a rustle of heavy skirts and some passionate-sounding moans.
    “Oh, God, Lilly. You cannot know what it has been like for me. I lie awake every night thinking of you in Hastings’s bed. The image is driving me slowly mad.”
    “Do not torment yourself, my love. He was unable to consummate our marriage on our wedding night, and he has not come to me since.”
    “Hastings is impotent?”
    “He says it is my fault. He claims I do not understand his special needs. I believe he goes elsewhere to satisfy those needs, and I am truly grateful, believe me.”
    “So am I.”
    Anthony released the knob and went back across the room to the door that opened onto the hall. He let himself out into the shadowed corridor and descended the rear stairs.

Chapter 4
    S he did not realize how tense she had become waiting for Anthony to return until the carriage door opened abruptly. She nearly yelped in surprise when he vaulted up inside the darkened cab.
    “Didn’t mean to startle you, Mrs. Bryce.”
    He pushed open the trapdoor.
    “Arden Square, Ned.”
    “Aye, sir.”
    The vehicle rumbled forward. Anthony dropped down onto the seat across from her.
    She knew at once that something had happened. A hot, seething energy emanated from him. She felt as though she was sharing the carriage with a panther that had just scented prey.
    “What kept you?” she said a good deal more sharply than she had intended. “I’ve been worried. You were gone for a very long time.”
    “Twenty minutes at most. Most of that time was spent in the garden, waiting for an opportunity to gain access to the house.”
    “Time does not pass quickly when one is waiting in a closed, unlit carriage.” She peered at him, trying to make out his features. “Are you all right? Was there a problem?”
    “Thank you for your concern. I am quite well, thank you. The only problem, such as it was, proved to be quite minor.”
    “You sound in remarkably good spirits for a man who has just risked his neck. Do you enjoy your work, sir?”
    He gave the question some thought and then shrugged. “The exercise does seem to have elevated my mood. What of yourself, madam? Do you derive a bit of a thrill from creeping about in other people’s bedrooms?”
    “No, I do not,” she said tightly. She raised her chin. “And there is no need to make it

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