The Rising Sun: Episode 3

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Book: Read The Rising Sun: Episode 3 for Free Online
Authors: J Hawk
Tags: Science-Fiction, Space Opera
respective planets some time ago.
They’ve now re united and reached the outer spectrum, the planet
    Mantra felt himself ease slightly as he
heard it.
    “Good.” he said, nodding. “That means
they’re in safe waters now. Off Naxim territory.”
    Dantox walked up to before Mantra, his hands
tucked within the folds of his sleeves.
    “They would be reaching here in less than
half an hour, now.” he informed Mantra. “With the crystal safe with
    “Excellent.” Mantra slowly rose, turning to
face the two of them. “Phase one is complete: we’ve procured the
crystal. Now for phase two.” He looked from Galinor to Dantox.
“What do we do with it, now?”
    The two of them exchanged a quick
    Mantra stroked his chin, thinking.
    “I think,” he said slowly. “That we should
have it taken to Nalzes. He’ll do what needs to be done with
    “Nalzes?” asked Dantox, giving a moment’s
thought. “The priest who lives in Velrox?”
    Mantra nodded. “A mystic priest. And
a very old acquaintance of mine. If we take the crystal to him, all
problems would be solved.” He turned and looked out the window
again, mapping out the entire plan in his mind. “And this would be
the best course of action, because close to where he lives, we have
a mystical tablet. A tablet that I’m familiar with.” And no
ordinary one at that. “Nalzes is well versed in the spells of
eld. He can do what needs to be done with the help of the mystical
tablet, and the problem posed by the crystal would be solved.
    Dantox’s brow sank in a thoughtful frown. He
walked before the window at the end of the room.
    “Mantra, in the end, our purpose is just to
keep the crystal safe, to keep it off the reach of undesirable
forces, isn’t it?” he asked, looking out the window
    “It is.” said Mantra.
    Dantox turned slowly and faced him again.
“The Nyon temple, if you ask me, is the safest place for the
crystal to be right now. In the entire spectrum. The crystal would
be perfectly safe here. We’re taking a rather unnecessary risk by
plunging into another voyage across the spectrum with the crystal
to get it to Nalzes when we’ve had a tough time getting it in the
first place. Wouldn’t you agree?” He looked between Mantra and
    Galinor, who appeared to have been thinking
on the same lines, nodded. “Acquiring the crystal was not easy. And
the three of them faced a huge risk in the journey to reach here
safely with it. After all of it, do we need to face another risky
endeavour? because as we’re well aware, Velrox is on the other side
of spectrum, and getting the crystal there safely would be a
dangerous mission of its own. And what with the Naxim now
tightening their hold over the entire spectrum … in the light of
the recent terrorist attacks.” He gave a firm shake of his head. “I
really wouldn’t think it’s advisable.”
    Mantra assimilated the situation, allowing
himself a few seconds of silence. He knew that taking the crystal
to the priest, Nalzes, would be the best of all options … but as
the two of them rightly pointed out, Nalzes lived secluded in a
distant planet. And reaching him with the crystal would take a
reasonably long voyage. One where many things could go wrong in
between. And what was the point, when the Nyon temple provided the
safest haven for the crystal?
    We’ll save this for later on. he
thought. At a time where it would be safer for us to make such a
voyage. When the Naxim’s current rigid protocols have loosened
slightly. As of now, undertaking such a mission may end up
compromising everything we’d struggled for in the past few
    “All right.” he said, nodding.
    Galinor drew his z-com, checking the
    “They’ll be here soon now.” he informed the
two of them as he pocketed the device.
    “And when they do … we have a lot to brief
them on.”

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