The Queen
book. I saw a quick glimpse of
your mother in mourning clothes. Lastly, I saw Lord Cadman holding
a crying baby… our baby.”
    Baylin sucked in a breath, hugging Luana in
his arms. “I had a similar vision when the young elf maid visited
me in my camp in Mirstone. She gave me a gift to see the best way
to defeat the enemy. At the time I assumed it was the troll hordes.
In the dream, Isla and Cadman were after our son.” He turned his
gaze to the elf. “When I had the vision, it was with a special tea
your sister had given me. What is this? How does Luana have these
dreams, the visions?”
    “It is her birthright,” Rydel explained.
“She has the ability of foresight. These gifts can, at times, feel
as though they are more of a curse than a blessing. Especially when
you do not have the knowledge to interpret them. However, I will
help you with this, my dear Luana.”
    “I still don’t understand,” Baylin said,
wrinkling his forehead. “How can something like this be? You speak
of powers and gifts. She was raised in Open Shaw. Her family has
lived in Grasmere for generations.”
    Still clinging to Baylin, Luana looked up at
Rydel wearily. “You called me a daughter of the moon earlier.”
    The Elf-King took in a deep breath, as
though he were anxious. “Yes, my child.”
    “Why?” she questioned.
    “Because that is what you are, Luana,” the
Elven King said, his expression soft and thoughtful. “You are a
daughter of the moon. You are my niece.”
    Luana felt her heart seize in her chest as
his words poured over her. His niece? An elf? How can this
be? Her knees became weak at the weight of the knowledge. The
wind grew colder as clouds slowly crept into the sky, threatening
to block out the moon.
    Baylin supported Luana as her body began to
slip to the ground. “Forgive me, my Lord, but you must be mistaken.
She is no elf maid. I have known her since she was a mere child.
She lived not far from here.”
    “Yes, she was raised by Hal-john and Fersa
on their quiet little farm,” King Rydel said, turning his back to
them to gaze off into the distance toward where Open Shaw lay. “We
have kept watch over her, from afar of course, these past nineteen
    Luana looked up at Baylin as he held her to
his side. Worry was written all over his face while he stared at
the Elven King.
    “I’m sorry, my Lord,” Baylin said, “but I
must insist that you explain yourself. You cannot simply show up
out of the darkness, profess that Luana’s life has been a lie, and
expect us to take it as truth.”
    “Certainly not, Your Grace,” Rydel said,
slowly turning around with a soft smile on his lips. “For to do so
would make you a fool, and we both know you are no fool. I will
happily explain if Luana so wishes it. Just know that once all is
explained, it can never be undone. Such knowledge can carry a heavy
weight. With it comes much responsibility and obligation at
    Luana looked from the elf to Baylin, both of
their eyes on her. She found she could not find her voice but
managed to nod at the King.
    “Hal-john and Fersa are, in fact, the only
family you have known,” the Elven King continued. “But it is not
their blood you share.” He extended his hand. “Well, not entirely
their blood.”
    Luana placed her delicate hand into the
King’s pale palm. She saw how similar their skin shone in the
glimmering moonlight. Could it be? She glanced at Baylin,
worry written on his face, then turned her gaze to Rydel. “If not
their blood, then whose?”

Chapter Eight

    Rydel led Luana to the edge of the forest.
Baylin followed them closely, his hand on the hilt of his sword. I want to trust this Elven King. However, Cadman’s treachery has
taught me a very valuable lesson. Trust could get you
    The three of them stepped into the lush,
dark of the forest, the trees creating a canopy too dense for the
moon to penetrate. Baylin grabbed Luana’s other hand, making sure
he did not stray from her

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