The Pyramid Builders

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Book: Read The Pyramid Builders for Free Online
Authors: Saxon Andrew
Tags: Science-Fiction
mixed and matched them. Most of them just didn’t seem to fit together. The six foot three inch girl dancing with a five foot five inch man…well, perhaps she could understand that one. Jamal Lundquist walked up and said, “What happened to your dance partner?”
    Dolly turned around and said, “Hi, Jamal. He was late for a meeting.”
    “So what else is new?”
    “No, he’s never late. He says he was this time, but has he ever been late to the center?”
    Jamal thought a moment, “No. He’s usually early. Those children he’s tutoring would be heartbroken if he didn’t show.”
    “I know. That makes me believe that something else is going on.”
    “Sure there is. Did you see those Alpha Agents? Why have you packed a bag?”
    “I’m going to check on him. The ones that took him are coming to get me.”
    Jamal looked worried, “Dolly, don’t put yourself in danger.”
    “I’ve got to go, Jamal. It’s the only way to make sure he’s ok. He’s told me some fantasy about a job but I still have to go and see. However, if you don’t hear from me or him in a week, tell the Tutors.”
    “I will. Just be careful.”
    “As much as I can, you know I will. You better get out of here. I think those Alphas are coming back.”
    Jamal looked around quickly and moved out into the crowd surrounding the dance floor where he could keep an eye on Dolly.
    Dolly turned back to the dance floor examining the crowd. She lost track of time until she felt a tap on her shoulder and turned to see a handsome young man standing behind her, “Excuse me, Miss Sierra, but I’m here to pick you up.”
    Dolly stared at him a moment, then recognized him, “You look different out of uniform.”
    “My commander felt that dressing in civilian clothes would be more appropriate this time.”
    Dolly tilted her head and said, “Well, you do dress up well. You should do it more often.”
    Jeff smiled, “You also look beautiful tonight. Black is your color.”
    Dolly smiled as Jeff lifted her suitcase, “You don’t have to lie; I’ll go with you willingly.”
    Jeff looked Dolly in the eyes and said, “I don’t lie. Ever. You are more beautiful tonight than the first time I saw you. You were just gorgeous then.”
    Dolly smiled and put her arm in his elbow, “Lead on brave warrior.”
    Jeff felt a foot taller and was envious of Dr. Connor. This was one remarkably beautiful woman.
    Jamal watched them leave, and also recognized the Alpha Agent; he never forgot a face. He set his timer as he watched them disappear through the entrance. “One week, Dolly. No more, no less.”
    Dolly was lead through the multiple security check points and wondered what Dr. Connor had gotten himself into. This facility was a top secret government facility. She finally made it through the last giant portal and saw the woman that had confronted her at the dance club, “Welcome, Miss Sierra. I appreciate your coming to help us.”
    “Just call me, Dolly. I actually came to check on Dr. Connor. However, all this security had piqued my curiosity. You must have something happening to have this level of security.”
    Jillian stared at Dolly and wondered exactly what about Connor would engender this kind of loyalty. “He told me you were good with languages. Was that not true?”
    Dolly waved her hand, “I’ve dabbled with languages. What’s the problem?”
    Jillian wasn’t sure if she wanted to take Dolly any closer to the tablet if she wasn’t what she was advertised to be. She started feeling like she had been misled by the wacky Professor. She saw one of the translation team leaving for a break and said, “Dr. Leven, may I see your pad for a moment?”
    “Sure.” Leven handed Jillian his computer tablet. Jillian scrolled through the data and arrived at the first six lines of the tablet with their translations. She handed it to Dolly and said, “Does this make sense to you?”
    Dolly looked at the six lines and read the translations in less than ten

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