The Price of Desire
her mind wildly, trying to think of a believable reason for her rushing from dinner to come to the library, but couldn’t find one before the door opened.
    It was Jeffery. He looked sheepish and uncertain, and well he might. He had been very presumptuous at the table and was lucky that she hadn’t created a scene.
    â€˜Um, your father told me to come and look for you,’ he said, eyeing her almost suspiciously. ‘He wanted me to check you’re okay.’
    â€˜Of course I’m not okay,’ Georgie snapped, the anger suddenly flaring inside her, borne out of shame of her own eagerness. ‘What the hell were you doing in there?’ she demanded. Jeffery stared blankly back at her.
    â€˜Don’t play innocent with me now my father’s not here for you to suck up to,’ she snapped. ‘Do you really think that was the best way to go about impressing your employer?’
    â€˜I really don’t know what you’re talking about,’ he said, taking a step back from the force of her unexpected anger.
    â€˜What do you think he’d say if I marched back in there and told him exactly what you were doing?’ she threatened.
    â€˜Georgina, I honestly don’t know what’s going on here, but if I have done anything to upset you, or offend you, I sincerely apologise.’
    He looked genuinely surprised, but Georgie reminded herself that he was a lawyer, a highly trained, professional manipulator of the facts. But on the other hand it would have been a foolhardy thing for him to do, especially as her father was only inches away, and if he was in line for junior partner, why would he do something so risky? In Georgie’s experience lawyers had a natural gift for self-preservation.
    But if it wasn’t Jeffery, who was it? Who else had been at the table within reach of her? John Hawkins had been sitting opposite her, another guest of her father’s and a Judge of the Crown. She shuddered at the thought of his hands being anywhere near her. He was old enough to be her grandfather. She felt suddenly nauseous.
    â€˜Sorry, Jeffery, I don’t know what came over me. It’s been a bit of a stressful time lately, what with exams and everything,’ she lied, blushing. She decided whoever it was she didn’t want to make a scene, and the best thing was just to try and pretend it had never happened.
    Jeffery seemed to accept her excuse and apology. ‘Can I escort you back to the dining room?’ he asked hesitantly.
    Georgie was amazed he even wanted to be in the same room as her; he must think she was some crazy girl, flying off the handle about some imaginary offence. She agreed and they walked the short distance in an embarrassed and uncomfortable silence.
    Before she could retake her seat at the table John Hawkins looked up, his greying moustache twitching as he smiled and threw a subtle wink in her direction. Her stomach lurched. Mystery solved, and just the thought of it gave her the creeps; the old man’s hands all over her panties, secretly touching her so intimately. Those fingers exploring her young tender flesh, creeping up her thighs and feeling her juices seep through the material, telling him just how turned on she was. And poor Jeffery, he really didn’t have a clue, how could she ever have thought he would have the balls to do something like that. He really was as wet as she originally thought.
    Before Georgie could sit down her mother pulled her to one side. ‘Lily still isn’t back yet,’ she hissed, panic creeping into her voice. ‘Do you think something could have happened to her?’
    â€˜Of course not,’ Georgie said. ‘She probably just bumped into some friends.’
    Eve did not look convinced as she sat back down, and Georgie didn’t feel as confident as she had made out either. It was unlike Lily; she always called if she was going to be late and it was really unlike her to miss

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